Blogger Accepted by the Academy: Daniel Drezner

UPDATE: Daniel Drezner lands appointment at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts. He was denied tenure at the University of Chicago. Rumor held that his blogging was to blame.
I’m not so sure.
The real test of acceptance in Academia would not be keeping a blog.
But voting for Bush.
Drezner voted for Kerry.
Like most professors in higher education. Unlike the rest of the country.
Here’s the earlier post on Drezner, re-posted from November 1st.
Box Office and Critics.
Ronald Reagan would often pose that question and suggest that one should know the difference. Tenured bureaucrats, the ‘Critics’ in academia have had the run of the American campus. But the ‘box office’ of parents who write the checks will eventually rule.
But not today.
Daniel DreznerIt was sad news recently that Daniel Drezner didn’t get tenure at the University of Chicago. His blog gets 5,191 visits each day. People care about what he writes. Lots of people. A ‘box office’ hit.
And then we have ‘critics.’
Amitai Etzioni, former President of the American Sociological Association, an advisor to President Carter, and author of 24 books — and one of the nation’s top 100 intellectuals, according to Richard Posner — recently abandoned his blog, Amitai Etzioni Notes.
After two years of blogging, he was averaging 156 readers a day. A lifetime of teaching, of research, of advancing scholarhip. And no traffic.
But Etzioni’s got tenure and critical acclaim.
Drezner’s on the job market.
Children on Bitch, Ph.D. website banner
And then there’s Bitch, Ph.D. Charming picture, eh?
Who would knowingly send their children off to sit at the feet of the suicidal Bitch, Ph.D. who writes in her blog about abortion:
I have no doubt that there are women who are selfish, who have abortions for idiotic reasons, who do stupid things. Women can be f*cked up. But f*cked-up women make f*cked-up mothers; more importantly, the vast, vast majority of women take this whole question of children incredibly seriously. It is one of the most serious things we have to deal with (whether or not we have them, because having them will, as people say, “change your life”), and there is just no way that it’s right to take away from women, to take away from mothers, the right to make decisions for their children. Because no one is better qualified, no one cares more, no one knows better than I do, or than any woman does, what is best for my kid. Period. (Emphasis mine.)
I’m confused. When she says “make decisions for their children” is she talking about the aborted ones? Could I impose on someone to explain the logic of this highly-educated professor to me? Please. Comment.
This feminist professor, Bitch, Ph.D., is not one I would like my daughters to be on the same campus with.
But now I know about feminist professors because they are publishing in a blog where I can get to it with one click.
I would submit that these examples might be a leading indicator of the future of higher education. There is a mismatch between academia and the country.
The parents writing the tuition checks will soon need to start with some very critical due diligence before investing in a service that nobody wants. People with kids like Your Business Blogger.
Box Office will win over the Critics.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
Dark Bilious Vapors has links.

Thank you. I have always just read what other people said about visiting blogs like that. I couldn’t resist clicking and by gosh what a bunch of insipid, vacuous, self-centered crap. What an eye opener. Makes me ill that any female could think like that. Especially that one would become more pro-death because of the inconveniences of pregnancy. Just makes me want to slap her and say “Grow up”.
cfomahm, You are right. She does have issues. And a home in academia. And a life-time job.
Teaching our kids.
Heaven help us.
A woman can still consider a baby she did not carry to full term ‘her child’.
My aunt kept pictures of the scan of her miscarriage and still spoke about her ‘baby’ a long time after the event.
I had an abortion (based on strongly advised medical grounds) but I still consider it my baby.
Even if it only lived inside me and only lived a little while.
This is what women are complaining about when they say it is impossible for a man to see things from their point of view.
You’re going to say you are a woman right? Well I’m sorry to generalise but try to be more open minded. 🙂
Kay, you are right that I don’t know the pain of childbirth — but I did watch 5 of them, delivered one, and that was work enough.
And you are right that I never had an abortion.
I also have never owned a slave, but I do know that every person has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
No one has the right to own another person.
No one can kill another with out due process (and the “right to choose” is hardly due process).
Your Business Blogger does not need to be a women to support a person’s right to life.
I will not tolerate slavery.
I will not tolerate abortion.
Yours with intolerance,
the idea of “owning another person”, or comparing slavery and abortion misses the point. it’s about “owning” one’s body.
when pregnant the baby is completely dependent on the mother’s body, but from this state of affairs it does not follow that the mother should give up control over her own body. it’s the same as if you were the only person to help somebody survive an awful disease by donating an organ (or something like that). maybe it’s tragic if you choose not to give (part of) your body for this use, but there is nothing morally wrong putting your own body first. same with an unwanted pregnancy, you cannot commandeer another person’s body for the sustenance of someone else! no one has an absolute responsibility to keep another person alive, at the cost of giving one’s own body for this use. that’s why choice.