Blogs for Life Coming January 23rd!

Blogs for Life is coming on January 23rd, in the morning just before the March for Life here in Washington, D.C.!
Together with Peter Shinn of March Together and Tim of, the Family Research Council will be hosting this opportunity for pro-life bloggers to get together and talk about how to maximize the impact of their blogging. . . and what the future looks like as we move ever-closer to the post-Roe era.
KLO coming to Blogs4Life!
Kathryn Lopez, syndicated columnist and editor of The Corner at National Review Online, will be giving a keynote address.
Come join us! You can register HERE.

I totally need to move to the East coast…I would love to go to this 🙂 But maybe I can see it on C-Span :)??
Blogs4Life Conference Set for January 23rd
Blogs4Life is coming on January 23rd, in the morning just before the March for Life in Washington, D.C.! Yes, this is the first annual conference of pro-life bloggers and will feature none other than noted syndicated columnist and NRO Blogger…
Great Conference Opportunity for Friends of Terri
Blogs4Life is coming on January 23rd, in the morning just before the March for Life in Washington, D.C.! Yes, this is the first annual conference of pro-life bloggers and will feature none other than noted syndicated columnist and NRO Blogger…
Blogging Against Abortion
Abortion has been one of the most divisive issues in America for decades, and blogs are now one of the hottest formats for advocacy on divisive causes. Which begs the question: Why isn’t there more organized advocacy on abortion, be…
Blogging Against Abortion
Abortion has been one of the most divisive issues in America for decades, and blogs are now one of the hottest formats for advocacy on divisive causes. Which begs the question: Why isn’t there more organized advocacy on abortion, be…