Media Alert: Vanity Fair Uncovered Cover on CNBC

Vanity FairCharmaine will be on CNBC tonight, Tuesday at 7:30 to debate the cover of Vanity Fair. Is it art? Or money-making-porn?
CNBCCNBC’s On The Money debate begins at 7:00pm. Charmaine will be appearing with Todd Myers, Lead Consultant for Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve and a woman from Forbes.
Be sure to tune in and let us know what you think!
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Thank you (foot)notes:
More on Todd Myers on extended entry.
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D. blogs at Reasoned Audacity and FRCBlog
Background for Todd Myers:
Todd Myers is lead consultant for Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve, a New York marketing consulting firm.’s Alex Ivey follows him into the cyrstal ball.
WWD.COM: How do you research your predictions?
Todd Myers: At the core of BrainReserve is decades of data on global consumer behavior – our TrendBank. Our staff reads more than 800 periodicals in 12 different languages. We have global trend spotters in 18 countries and a TalentBank of over 9000 industry experts and cultural visionaries, whom we talk to about everything from healing to cloning. We call this Brailling-the-culture. With all of these data points, we are able to connect the dots to make predictions on consumer behavior.
WWD.COM: What are the limitations to predicting consumer behavior and how far into the future do you normally extrapolate?
Todd Myers: We see the trends we forecast as essential truths that explain shifts in culture for at least 10 years, and sometimes longer. They are both deductive and predictive. The limitations come in the form of unpredictable exogenous factors such as natural disasters and terrorist attacks.
WWD.COM: What trends do you see affecting the fashion and apparel industry in the next five years?
Todd Myers: There are a couple of key trends that we see affecting the fashion and apparel industry. One would be “Save Our Society.” This trend focuses on consumers rediscovering a social conscience of ethics, passion and compassion. This might present itself in fashion and apparel that is eco-friendly, low maintenance, sustainable and serving multiple purposes. Another Trend is “Egonomics,” which relates to a consumer’s need to be able to be unique and his or her desire to crave recognition for individuality. This will manifest itself in a consumer’s need for control and customization.
WWD.COM: How about retailers?
Todd Myers: Retailers must anticipate consumer needs and behavior and understand that the landscape is changing. We are now in a “Creative Economy.” Today smart business is all about creativity, imagination and, above all, innovation. Consumers want service, control AND price. Full-service will not only apply to the merchandise in the store but the lifestyle of the consumer shopping at the store.
WWD.COM: Tell us how you became a futurist.
Todd Myers: I have always been an observer of consumer behavior and addicted to pop culture. I guess I was fortunate that my curiosities and passions aligned throughout my career at the nascent stages of interactive television, the internet and entertainment marketing to give me the insight to be successful at what I do, which is predict consumer behavior and show our clients how this knowledge will impact their brand, their category and their future consumer.
WWD.COM: What do you see in your own future?
Todd Myers: I’m on a wonderful journey in my life.

Jack, My reaction is that it is more art than porn. This is a battle not worth fighting.
What is worth talking about is what Islam reeeally stands for. We have with us this week one of the rarest commodities on the planet. A former Muslim Imam (teacher / theologian) who is now a Christian evangelist. He will give you a ear full on the current “Global cartoon crisis”. INTERVIEW HIM IF YOU DARE !! Credentials provided on request. Discretion is expected.
Hmm – porn pretending to be art?
I don’t really think Charmaine was given much of a chance to make her case. The other interviewees were focused on the financial angle here – celebrities sell and nudity sells – voila – it’s all good. The others didn’t seem to be prepared to reason morally on this.