Sledding & Shoveling on the Sabbath

The Dude, The Dreamer, The Diva
learning the value of a dollar;
12” of snow. Church cancelled. Pre-teens tackle shoveling. Forgive this ‘day in the life’ of posting of Your Business Blogger. But we wanted to document that it’s never too early to teach kids the real value of a labor and money. And the connection. The income they generated for themselves at Uncle Steve and Tom’s office building paid for their pizza.
Kids from the cul-de-sac,
preparing for combat —
snowball fight
conveniently located
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Thank you (foot)notes:
As Bedside Baptists yesterday, Charmaine and I saw Lynn Swann on ABC’s This Week. He’d have our vote. See the Commonwealth Conservative. And visit the Swann Blog. Conservative bloggers and conservative politicians agree, most of the time. Unlike liberal bloggers and liberal politicos.

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