Media Alert: Good Morning America Sunday Morning by Charmaine Yoest · March 11, 2006 I taped comments this afternoon for tomorrow morning’s Good Morning America on gay adoption. . .
Abortion, Barack Obama & Bill Maher;Charmaine on Politically Incorrect October 10, 2008 by Jack Yoest · Published October 10, 2008
MEDIA ALERT: Charmaine On FOX Debating Women’s Issues for the Presidential Campaign September 22, 2008 by Jack Yoest · Published September 22, 2008
Hey Charmaine,
I didn’t see this notice, but I always Tivo GMA, so I have the video, but there is only a few seconds of you again. Would you like me to load it for you or would you prefer me not to.
Great job too! GMA is so unbalanced…