Savage Places Second in the Cal Ripken Tournament

Championship First Runner-Up
Cal Ripken, Opening Day Tournament
2006, 11u, years old and under
Vince Lombardi once said, “The Green Bay Packers never lost a football game. They just ran out of time.”
Coach Scott Grebenstein must be saying the same thing. Running out of time and innings in the final championship game Sunday afternoon with the Maryland Cardinals. Score: Savage behind Cardinals, 11 to 12, to place second.
He led the Savage Spirit baseball team this weekend on a series of wins and a “slaughter rule” upset over the Maryland Mud Hens.
It started Friday nite. Your Business Blogger packed up Charmaine and the Penta-Posse into the monster SUV for two nites in Aberdeen, Maryland. Home of the Cal Ripken Stadium complex. Opening Day Tournaments.
We saw old friends from Charlottesville baseball allstar days. Charmaine teared up. Not me. Although it was windy andblowingdustgetsinyoureyesandwateruptogetdustout.
(Hint: moving 11 times in 15 years of marriage is too many good-bys. Too many hellos.)
Anyway. The team played well. The Dude played well.
The Dude pitching
Wind up
Delivery: 3 up, 3 down
The Dude can hit The Dude got his first over the fence home run on Sunday.
Congratulations Savage Spirit on a great season’s opener!
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Savage Places Second in the Cal Ripken Tournament
Cross post from Jack Yoest with Savage. Savage Spirit, Maryland Championship First Runner-Up Cal Ripken, Opening Day Tournament 2006, 11u, years old and under Vince Lombardi once said, “The Green Bay Packers never lost a football game. They just ran…
Jack, Congratulations — Dude!!!