The Chronicle of Higher Ed: Painted Ladies Gone Wild

Cross Post with modifications from Jack Yoest.
The Chronicle of Higher Education arrived in my mail box. In plastic wrap. But it should be covered in brown paper. Remember, Your Business Blogger subscribes for the articles. But I can always count on The Chronicle to titillate.
Here’s this edition’s nudie pics.

[sorry, may not be …prudent for Charmaine. But not me. See Jack Yoest, Higher Ed.]
The liberals in academe cannot understand why us parental prudes might not want their daughters dancing naked on campus and posing in paint for publication.
This is bad for the education business. Looks bad on a resume.
But I could be wrong.
Rachel E. Beaulieu (above in tiger stripes), a senior…is treasurer of the Liquid Latex Club,…wanted to improve [her] outlook on the way [she] looked…
…the nudity may attract first-time audience members…
…Ms. Beaulieu says it is not what the show is about…
And boys read Playboy for the articles.
The co-ed concludes, “It’s a very unique experience…the liquid latex allows you to do things you could never do,” with conventional cloth and clothes and virtue.
This is a subtle hint to human resource managers: The more a girl has appeared nude in print, the greater the possibility that men would have seen her. And perhaps have stared. Some will oogle.
This is a longitudinal sexual harassment case study in the making.
Ms. Beaulieu, please let us know how the job search progresses.
We’ll be watching.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
From The Chronicle of Higher Education, April 14, 2006. At least the picture was buried on A6.
Full Disclosure: The wife of Your Business Blogger has been published in The Chronicle. In conventional fashion.
Basil’s Blog has a Picnic.

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