Karl Rove at the Salem Communcations Annual Meeting in Washington, DC

Hugh Hewilt, 3-Time Emmy Award Winner;
Charmaine Yoest
photo credit: Jack Yoest Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo. The fifth of May is our wedding anniversary. Chuck deFeo, Director of Online Strategy for Town Hall, Beyond the News.com, with the Salem Web Network, asked us to join him with 300 of our closest friends in Your Nation’s Capital. Karl Rove would say a few words.
Which is odd since he didn’t know it was our anniversary. And no one mentioned it. The dinner was off the record, but I think I can report that Karl Rove was silent about Your Business Blogger and the Little Woman.
Other than forgetting our anniversay, Rove was quite engaging.
Charmaine, Mark Steyn making a point,
Michael Medved backgroundThere was a panel with Dennis Prager, Mark Steyn, Bill Bennett.
In the audience, asking questions, was Hugh Hewitt, James Dobson, Frank Gaffney, Mike Gallagher.
We picked up a copy of Hewitt’s new book, Paint the Map Red. The Entertainment Industry has the best SWAG.
Janet Parshall; Elaine Bennett of Best Friends; Michael Medved. Some of the brightest stars and thinkers in the business.
Ken Blackwell, the next president Governor, of Ohio spoke.
There were some very, very smart people in that room. I wasn’t one of them. I felt like a, well, journalist.
David Aikman moderated the panel. He spent two decades with Time magazine. He’s the former Beijing bureau chief. He is such an unTimely kind of guy. (David and Dennis Prager greeted each other speaking fluent Russian.) Anyway, he wrote Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity is Transforming China and Changing the Global Balance of Power. David says that China is changing. They are beginning to understand the rule of law. Lex Rex. He says most of the young lawyers–lawyers! there are Christians. Go figure.
I read Aikman’s book. He starts his book with a lecture from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing in 2002. Aikman quotes a Chinese academic speaking to a group from the USA visiting China:
One of the things we were asked to look into was what accounted for the success, in fact, the pre-eminence of the West all over the world…We studied everything we could from the historical, political, economic, and cultural perspective. At first, we thought it was because you had more powerful guns than we had. Then we thought it was because you had the best political system. Next we focused on your economic system. But in the past twenty years, we have realized that the heart of your cultural life was what made possible the emergence of capitalism and then the successful transition to democratic politics. We don’t have any doubt about this.
The Chinese don’t doubt the source of our cultural heritage. Sadly, American liberals do.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
The National Day of Prayer was Thursday, May 4th. George Bush spoke.
Ed Atsinger
Salem President
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… is the leading provider of radio programming, online resources and magazines targeted to the Christian and family themes audience. …Salem Communications currently owns and operates 95 radio stations nation-wide, with 60 stations located in the top 25 most populated U.S. markets. …Religious formats constitute the third largest radio format in the United States. Currently, over 2,000 radio stations are identified as having primarily a religious format. Approximately 52% of Americans been identified as listeners to religious formatted radio.
Read more on Salem’s Editorial Board: Hugh Hewitt, Terry Eastland, Janet Parshall, Albert Mohler, Jr., Michael Medved, Phillip Johnson and David Aikman.
Basil’s Blog has a Picnic.
Mudville has Open Post.
David Aikman is veteran journalist who worked for TIME Magazine as a Senior and Foreign Correspondent for more than 23 years and has written extensively on religious freedom in Asia and the Middle East. He has served as a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C. and is the founder and chairman of Gegrapha, a global fellowship of Christian journalists; and editor-at-large of the Internet-based Newsroom, which reports on the religious dimension of worldwide news. His September 1997 Weekly Standard cover story, “The Laogai Archipelago,” was the most detailed journalistic account to date of China’s prison and labor camp system.
Terry Eastland has written on legal and political subjects for publications including The Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, World Magazine and Christianity Today. He is the publisher of The Weekly Standard, a weekly columnist for The Dallas Morning News and contributor to The Wall Street Journal. In the 1980s Eastland was editor of The Virginian-Pilot and Director of Public Affairs for the U.S. Justice Department. Eastland was also a correspondent for two PBS programs and editor of Forbes MediaCritic and Media and Politics, the online Forbes publication. Recently he was publisher and president of The American Spectator. His books include “Freedom of Speech and Press in the Supreme Court” and “Ending Affirmative Action: The Case for Colorblind Justice.”
Hugh Hewitt is an author, law professor and broadcast journalist. He began co-hosting “Life & Times,” a weeknight news and public affairs show for PBS Los Angeles affiliate KCET in 1992, and received three Emmys for his work on the program. He conceived and hosted the 1996 national PBS series “Searching for God in America.” In 2000, Hewitt launched his syndicated radio program, “The Hugh Hewitt Show,” which he broadcasts live each afternoon. Hewitt is also a partner in the law firm of Hewitt & O’Neil, LLP, and a law professor at Chapman University Law School. He served for more than five years in the Reagan Administration in a variety of posts, including Assistant Counsel in the White House. Hewitt writes a weekly column for WorldNetDaily.com and has authored four books, including his most recent “In, But Not Of: A Guide to Christian Ambition and a Desire to Influence the World.””
Phillip Johnson a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley since 1967, began a search to understand creation in 1987. An adult convert to Christianity, he was troubled by the fact that the academic world is so thoroughly dominated by secular and naturalistic thinking. He became convinced that scientific evidence and logic support the belief in a God who created the world and gave our minds the capacity to understand truth. His books include “Darwin on Trial,” “Reason in the Balance,” and most recently, “The Right Questions: Truth, Meaning and Public Debate.” He works to disarm evolutionary theorists and proclaim the truth of intelligent design.
Michael Medved is a film critic, best-selling author and nationally syndicated radio talk show host. His daily three-hour program, emphasizing the intersection of politics and pop culture, reaches more than 2 million listeners. Medved graduated from Yale and attended Yale Law School before becoming a Hollywood screenwriter, reviewing movies for CNN and becoming chief film critic for the New York Post. He is the author of “What Really Happened to the Class of ’65,” and also “Hollywood vs. America,” a bestselling indictment of the entertainment industry. He and his wife, Dr. Diane Medved, wrote “Saving Childhood: Protecting our Children from the National Assault on Innocence.”
Albert Mohler, Jr. serves as the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, one of the largest seminaries in the world. A theologian and ordained minister, he was listed in a 1995 TIME Magazine cover story as one of its “50 for the Future” — emerging national leaders of their fields under age 40. He came to the Southern Baptists’ flagship seminary as editor of The Christian Index. Dr. Mohler is the host of “Truth on the Line” a Louisville-based radio show where he brings a voice of clarity to contemporary issues. He is also a frequent guest on TV news shows such as “Larry King Live,” representing and debating for the evangelical community’s viewpoint on social and cultural issues.
Janet Parshall is the host of a three-hour, nationally syndicated program originating from Washington, D.C. As one of the only conservative talk shows in America hosted by a woman, and as one of America’s most articulate advocates for Christian values, Janet is a frequent guest host of “Focus on the Family” and appears regularly on MSNBC, CNN, C-Span and Fox. “Janet Parshall’s America” is thoughtprovoking, interactive radio that allows listeners to exchange information and learn. Guests include senators and representatives; authors and film producers; Catholics, Protestants and Jews; pro-family advocates, historians, public policy experts and national leaders.

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