ShowCase Carnival is up for 24 July 2006

ShowCase CarnivalAnd hosted this week By Your Business Blogger.
Rich Karlgaard writing in Forbes says that:
…much of the better journalism and commentary has been migrating to blogs. No surprise here…the blogger has a clearer view of how the world really works…
Mind the migration. ShowCase selections this week:
Towards Better Life has a provocative post titled You Should Never Get A Job. There are parallels between his writing and my career. The writer has subject-verb agreement issues; while I had boss-subordinate agreement issues. Never get a job? Goodness, I could never keep a job. Thank heaven for the blogosphere. Or I’d be unemployed. Again.
Human Tide
And be sure to drift over and see what the HumanTide swept in. Human Tide (certainly not to be confused with Human Events) points us to a new blog carnival on community action. See Community Campaigners’ Carnival. And get involved.
KT Kat has Alien Thought Process on The Scratching Post. Sometimes hard to tell what is the post, what is the blog and who is the blogger. Make a guess and visit.
abyss2hope has an interesting analysis on rape in the military concerning the trial of Owens, who was accused of rape at the Naval Academy. Blogger Marcella Chester’s article was published before Owens was found not guilty of rape.
Ms. Chester missed the story: The woman “victim” as it happens in this case, invited Owens into her room after a fight with her boyfriend. She had nine drinks. But she was not so drunk as to IM Owens to her room, to her bed. She had a roommate sleeping a few feet away. The “victim” never screamed to wake the roomie, and never said “no.”
The timeline suggests the woman wanted revenge on the boyfriend and an alibi for being drunk. She got both and immunity for testimony that no one believed — judge, jury, liberal press. There was no evidence. In this case, the court said she lied.
Remember, Your Business Blogger has three daughters. My concern is for the real monsters. Owens was not the monster under the bed. Or in the bed. There are certainly other monsters. Owens isn’t one of them.
Marcella is quite right, however, to publish her own name because rape is a crime of violence, not sex. I look forward to her future posts on false rape accusations . I somehow doubt she will. But I’m not Marcella either. I’ve never had her pain. (Debate start point: one half of rape accusations are false.) Marcella, welcome to the blogosphere.
Panzer Commander has pictures of his trip to Colorado Springs and tells the story from a few years ago of hostages taken in a radio studio and gun shots. Nobody hurt, but there are
The Dude on setpictures of the bullet hole in the wall. Show business can be dangerous. (This is one of the host’s prerogatives: Panzer Commander’s author, The Dude, is 11 years old.) The Dude knows bit about show business. Here he is at age 4 in a made for TV movie.
So. The host shouldn’t Show Case his own kids? Vent your anger by taking on host duties. Contact Orge.
Software and web construction is to the new generation as the telephone was to ours. The kids coming-up are amazing. And blogging.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
There were technical difficulties this week — if I missed your post, please send me an email direct and I’ll update and link. Links are good.
The ShowCase Carnival is the work of Ogre. Semper Fidelis.
Your Business Blogger also serves as the Vice President for the Center for Military Readiness.

Thanks for the link, Jack! That was a very kind thing to do. “>Hi
All who would win joy, must share it; happiness was born a twin.