The Family Research Council, FRC Action Briefing: Family, Faith and Freedom

FRC Action, the c4 component of The Family Research Council sponsored a briefing this weekend at the Omni Shoreham in Washington, DC. Your Business Blogger attended with Charmaine and the Penta-Posse.
Charmaine at the
podium for the
FRCAction Briefing
The 2,000 attendees at The Briefing
Radio Row
La Shawn Barber, Joe Carter and Jared Bridges
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Thank you (foot)notes:
Cross post from Reasoned Audacity.
Be sure to visit La Shawn and get her take on the event.
Tony Perkins, President of the FRC, has an open letter to Barry Lynn
An Open Letter to the Reverend Barry W. Lynn
Dear Reverend Lynn,
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your presence this weekend at our Washington Briefing, Values Voters Summit 2006. I was delighted to see your name as a paid registrant for a number of the activities. As head of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, you, of course, disagree with us on a number of issues.
Your support of same-sex marriage and abortion coupled with your opposition to school choice and any public recognition of God would make most people think our differences are vast. However, your willingness to attend our Briefing shows that even you recognize the importance of concerned citizens being involved in public discourse.
While you are here, I recommend you attend our Saturday session, The Role of Churches in Political Issues, moderated by Dr. Kenyn Cureton with speakers Reverend Herb Lusk, Reverend Dr. Richard Land and Reverend Dr. John Guest. I am sure you will find it enlightening as the panelists discuss how to apply the teachings of the Bible to the issues we face today.
It is reported that many Evangelicals do not vote and I’m sure you would agree such citizenly neglect is detrimental to any democracy. That is why we are holding our Briefing and also participating in nonpartisan get-out-the-vote rallies around the nation. Thanks again for being with us.
Photo credits: Your Business Blogger

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