Family Research Council Simulcast for October 15

UPDATE: Mitt Romney will be speaking at Liberty Sunday. Ann Romney was scheduled to introduce her husband who was to speak by tape. But today Mitt Romney changed his plans to speak in person at the Boston event. Tune in.
Tony Perkins Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council has sent out the following invitation to the FRC Simulcast Liberty Sunday: Defending Our First Freedom, this Sunday, October 15, 2006
Dear Friend,
Please join me and the Family Research Council (FRC) along with fellow believers from across our land as we host our 7th simulcast LIBERTY Sunday: Defending Our First Freedom.
FRC will air live this historic service nationwide from Tremont Temple Baptist Church in Boston on October 15, 2006.
As the…elections draw nearer, it is imperative that Christians increase their awareness of radical threats to religious liberty. We now face on the front-line the legalization of same-sex policies — an issue that slowly is creeping into the very fabric of our schools, our government, and our homes. Therefore, we …warn devout Christians everywhere of impending dangers that will affect their states if they do pray and act now!
It as vitally important for churches…to be involved in this event. FRC’s past simulcasts have drawn millions of viewers and this one will be aired to a potential viewing audience of 80 million people. Therefore, as a past participant in this pioneering event we are asking you to bring a strong delegation of vibrant Bible honoring believers to your church to host this historic service.
You are essential to the success of this endeavor to help preserve our religious liberties and ask for your support. We not only solicit your participation but your prayers also. Let us know you plan to participate by registering at the Liberty Sunday website.
The simulcast service will be aired beginning at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time. For more information on how you can participate in this exciting event, go to the Liberty Sunday website.
Thank You & God Bess.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
Charmaine, the wife of Your Business Blogger, is the Vice President for Communications for the Family Research Council.

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