Karin Agness President of Network of Enlightened Women and Mallard Fillmore

How does one know when one has arrived?
When you are the subject of a cartoon.
We were honored to have Karin Agness, President of NeW, as one of our panelists for the Center for Military Readiness Celebration last week.
Karin Agness at the Center for Military Readiness Briefing
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Thank you (foot)notes:
Karin L. Agness is the Founder and President of the Network of enlightened Women (NeW), which helps female college students to confront radical feminists and liberals on fifteen college campuses. Ms. Agness is a Phi Beta Kappa member and student of law, University of Virginia. She has collaborated with the wife of Your Business Blogger, Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D..
Read Rebecca Hagelin’s take at TownHall.

It’s about time women start standing up against women who devote their lives to hating men and boys. More women should speak against NOW’s feminist/lesbionic agenda.
Susan, you got it right. Everyone should stand up to the NOW agenda.
It will take some work. Even Napolean once said that brave men tremble before a skirt.
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