Ed Rollins Debates With Reasoned Audacity Tonight on CNN

Ed Rollins Ed Rollins was the Karl Rove-like political advisor for Ronald Reagan in 1984. Ed Rollins is a genius who knows how to win and win big.
Tonight Ed Rollins and I will discuss the possible presidential run of Rudolph William Louis “Rudy” Giuliani III on Anderson Cooper on CNN . Hit time is 10:45pm Eastern Time.
Bare Knuckles and
Back Rooms
by Ed RollinsTo give you some idea of how the debate might go, Alert Readers will remember Rollins was the campaign manager for pro-choicers Christine Todd Whitman in 1993 and Ross Perot in 1992.
I look forward to learning what Rollins thinks about pro-choice Rudy Giuliani and his formation of an exploratory committee to test the waters on entering the 2008 Presidential Campaign.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Although Ed Rollins and I both served in the Reagan Administration, we will have never met until tonight.
And be sure to check out the AndersonCooper360review Blog. Not bad analysis.

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