Wal*Mart Boycott Cancelled: Will Not Give Preference To Homosexuals

Marshall Manson
from the Edelman
public relations firmWal*Mart gets smart; adapts to the market.
In a recent statement, just in time for the Thanksgiving, W*M backed away from supporting the homosexual, bi-sexual, transsexual agenda. Wal*Mart stopped its cross dressing where Wal-Mart will not make corporate contributions to support or oppose highly controversial issues unless they directly relate to our ability to serve our customers.
Wal*Mart FactsWal-Mart does not have a position on same sex marriage and we do not give preference to gay or lesbian suppliers. Wal-Mart does have a strong commitment to diversity among our associates and against discrimination everywhere.
This homosexualist activism was a concern for traditional families because of the report, Wal-Mart Contributes $60,000 to Pro-Homosexual Employee Advocacy Group. The $60K supported a fringe homosexual -bi sexual- transsexual-transvestite-other gender denomination, Out & Equal summit in Chicago.
Marshall Manson, the blogosphere’s Wal*Mart source, has been silent on this news release. Which means that the PR pro from Edelman is probably responsible.
And the Yoest family wants to publicly thank him. Alert Readers will recall that Your Business Blogger was an enthusiastic cheerleader for the Bentonville World Dominator. The Penta-Posse et. al. consumed $4,328.37 in consumable goods in the 12 trailing months at Sam’s Club. And we miss shopping at the retail giant. And we missed the Everyday Low Prices.
Well Done Marshall. Breeders everywhere thank you.
But it would have been helpful if Wal*Mart released this statement before the Out and Equal homosexual summit, instead of after.
Queercents reports on an interview with Selisse Berry, who,
…[H]as been the queer voice of corporate America. Selisse is the founding Executive Director of Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, a nonprofit organization focused on creating safe and equitable workplaces for LGBT employees. [Selisse says] There are so many great ideas generated at the Summit… the big topics centered around the rapidly expanding number of companies who are embracing LGBT equality, how to embrace LGBT equality on an international level, and the specific challenges of policy and training needed for transgender equality.
Out and Equal also demands that homosexuals serve openly in the armed services. Give the Gays Guns. Next, they will be eating meat and shopping at Wal*Mart.
Thank you (foot)notes:
But skepticism is still in order. Wal*Mart’s Board of Directors is populated with leftist such as Aida M. Alvarez. Who was a member of the diversity advisory board for Deloitte & Touche LLP. (Emphasis mine) Also a former Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration and a member of President Clinton’s Cabinet from 1997 to 2001. Alvarez was hip deep in the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mess as a financial regulator from 1993 to 1997.
Wal*Mart can still screw up yet. Pray that capitalism prevails.
Alaska Pride has rationale on the boycott.
More at the jump
All Walks of Life.
At Wal-Mart, the people who shop in our stores, supply us with merchandise and serve our
customers come from all walks of life.
Different backgrounds, different experiences, different perspectives.
We recognize that these differences make us a stronger company, regardless of age, gender,
sexual orientation or race…. The more we can learn from each other, the better we can
serve our customers and address their wants and needs. Embracing diversity in all levels of our
organization is just a natural extension of our company’s founding beliefs: Treat people with
fairness and respect, be their advocates, be sensitive to their concerns, value their differences
and serve and support them the best we can.
Wal-Mart is proud to support the 2006 Out & Equal Workplace Summit.

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