MSNBC Charmaine will be on Dayside News with Contessa Brewer. Charmaine will be reviewing those parenting skills useful between parent and child.
Starting with the fact that the parent is the adult.
L to R: Cohen, Clinton, Albright, Sandy Berger
Backgrounder is AP story Adults are urged to take a parental role
Hit time is 1:15 on MSNBC.
She will then be on Fox at 1:40 debating that latest news on Day Care from the NIH.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Backstory on the Clinton photo:
PBS took the Hear no evil, speak no evil…” photo of clinton/cohen/albright/berger from it’s site! — from comments on Free Republic
Secretary of Defense Cohen, Impeached Bill Clinton, Albright, and long-accepted CODE-level thief
and document destroyer National Security Adviser Sandy Berger,
holding court in the Ronald Reagan Building on April 25, 1999
The Impeached Bill Clinton: “We were all making comments
we shouldn’t have about how the meeting was getting very boring.
So finally we decided we had to make like the monkey. Cohen
started this ‘hear no evil,’ and then I was next so I spoke no evil,
then Madeleine saw no evil, so Sandy Berger said, ‘I’m evil.'” –
If you are in Northern Virginia, be sure to come to McLean Bible Church and watch The Diva sing at 6:30pm.

well, at least the photo didn’t show Amb. Berger in an Al Bundy pose.
I love your site design especially the header. The content’s not bad either. 🙂