MEDIA ALERT: Charmaine Speaking at Princeton University on Abortion

How Abortion Harms Women
Princeton University Charmaine and Your Business Blogger will be a-traveling with the Penta-Posse (minus The Dreamer at crew camp) to Princeton University over the spring break.
Charmaine will be giving a talk on abortion/women/work/life. Alert Readers will remember that she used to teach a course The Family and Politics at The University of Virginia.
From the Princeton Campus Announcements,
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
A lecture titled “How Abortion Harms Women” is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 4, in 16 Robertson Hall.
The talk will be delivered by Charmaine Yoest, [Ph.D.] vice president for communications at the Family Research Council, a nonprofit lobbying organization that promotes socially conservative views.
Yoest also is project director of the Family, Gender and Tenure Project at the University of Virginia, a nationwide study focused on parental leave policy.
She is the author (with Deborah Shaw Lewis) of “Mother in the Middle” and is working on a new book, “A G.I. Bill for Moms: Mothers, the Market and the American Way.”
The talk is sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions.
The event is free and is open to the public. Come by and join us and let us know what you think.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Special thank you to Andy McCarthy at The Corner at NRO for “How Abortion Harms Women” — a forum sponsored … by Princeton! Andy says that he has,
…duked it out before (in an exchange at Commentary on international law) with Anne-Marie Slaughter, the Dean at Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. She is, though, a fair-minded liberal in the great but dying academic tradition of allowing all thoughtful voices — including, yes, conservative voices — to be heard on campus.
Thank you also to Tiger Hawk for the announcement and poster pic.
See also Princeton to allow Charmaine Yoest to speak about abortion! at RealChoice: The reality of “choice” in America. In a breathtaking, courageous example of fostering real diversity of thought…
And note Abortion foe to lecture at Princeton University from The Princeton Packet.

I hope you are not dragging up that long-discredited correlation with breast cancer again?
Being dubbed an Alert Reader is good, right? Crossing fingers:
That Princeton announcement does not title the presentation as you have; it lists the title as:
“The Politics of Abortion: Moving Toward the Post-Roe Era”
Perhaps it’s changed since the campus announcement was posted but the title they list certainly has a different flare than the title you indicate above – “How Abortion Harms Women.”
Should I go back to not being alert? (Tongue in cheek, promise; and if Charmaine ever comes to Cleveland, I would be very honored to meet her or at least attend an event at which she might speak.)
Hey, I saw you on TV the other night. You came across as very shallow and vapid.
Care to finally answer the question you ducked? How old is the Earth?
Nice censorship you practice here. I noticed PZ Meyer’s request that you anwer the question, as well as several other, similar posts have been deleted.
The phrase “intellectual coward” comes to mind.