Charmaine in the Daily Princetonian

Albert Einstein
Baby Boo, The Diva, The Dancer
living proof of The Roe Effect
at PrincetonCharmaine’s speech at Princeton was noted in that area’s newspaper of record the Daily Princetonian.
The reporter was remarkably fair and balanced working this liberal campus — even considering the biased title:
Anti-abortion speaker sparks heated debate
It might have been more accurate to report,
Pro-Life speaker sparks heated debate
Which proves we each have our biases. Our own world-views.
Angela Cai, Princetonian Senior Writer reports and quotes Charmaine,
“I believe Roe v. Wade is on its way to extinction … precisely because abortion harms women,” [Dr. Yoest] said.
Speaking to a large audience…, Yoest faced a crowd of students and community members anxious to argue with her during the question-and-answer session that followed the lecture.
She maintained that the United States is “on the road, long term” toward the overturning of Roe v. Wade. “There is an intellectual rot at the heart of that decision,” she said, noting that even many liberal scholars agree that there is no constitutional basis for the controversial 1973 Supreme Court ruling. She added that the case was an example of the inappropriate use of judicial power. [see the Alan Dershowitz quote on the slide presentation.]
Yoest argued that abortion’s consequences hit home on a more personal level for many women who undergo the procedure. “It’s very sad to me when you look at how many relationships break up after abortion when women say they had abortions to save their relationships,” Yoest said. She described what she called the problems of Post-Abortion Syndrome, which include effects such as “drug and alcohol abuse, personal relationship disorder, sexual dysfunction … and attempted suicide.”
Alert Reader Jill noted that the title of the speech changed. Originally advertised as “How Abortion Harms Women,” the more accurate and complete title is “The Politics of Abortion: Moving Toward a Post-Roe America.” So Charmaine changed the title to reflect the added, expanded content.
Thank you (foot)notes:
While some in the audience nodded or facially expressed their approval of Charmaine Yoest’s anti-abortion message at Princeton University last night, others made it clear during questioning that Yoest spoke a foreign language which they had no desire to learn.
Do Elite Women Want to Breed?
Jessica at Bush v. Choice blogged.
See Charmaine’s PowerPoint presentation on the FRCBlog. Thanks to the technical influence of Managing Editor Joe Carter.

Thanks re: title explanation.
And just to show you that I try even if I don’t succeed all the time at being fair: I think the longer title is fine, but is it what Charmaine wanted? Who gets to say? Because honestly, if Charmaine wanted the first title, I think that should be respected – if it represents her sentiments and what she wants to convey, then the school should be okay with Charmaine as well as her chosen title. Obviously I have no knowledge if it went down that way so to speak – perhaps there were other reasons for the change – I defer to you on that. I have no stake in whichever way its worded – it all depends on the approach the speaker wants to take, in discussion with the host.
But I just wouldn’t want to feel that the title change was a problem for Charmaine – she has her position etc. and that should be respected if they’re requesting her to speak.
Cute kids. 🙂
Hi Charmaine,
It’s J. from UVA. I thought I saw you on CNN on Friday…Nice job!
I read your blog regularly.
I was delighted to read some of your articles and was hoping to view your powerpoint presentation on Post Abortion Syndrome. My collegue and I have been invited into the women’s prison to offer Post Abortion Healing. We use the Forgiven and Set Free book written by Linda Cochran and would like to expand with resources.
Do you have any materials or suggestions?
A New Generation, formerly a Woman’s Resource Center, began as a “Crisis Pregnancy Center. I have been volunteering for 4 years and have watched it grow to so much more. We have a team of people who teach Abstinence in the public and private schools, we hold a “No Regrets” Event annually for the middle school and high school students, teach parenting classes along with the day to day mentoring/counseling.
I am excited to be a part of the movement of women who are speaking up about the effect abortion has had on me and would love to hear more from you.