White House Correspondents’ Dinner 2007

Tonight Rich Little did a little entertaining (very little).
There was also very Little laughter. AJ, Laura Ingram’s producer, told me he wanted to splice in the ‘lonely crickets at nite’ sound track onto the Rich Little tape — where there would have been laughter 30 years ago.
Rich Little was dated and stale at the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner. He also did Ronald Reagan…cussing. Something Reagan never did, says Charmaine.
Your Business Blogger and Charmaine at the Red Carpet entrance.
Jed Babbin, the boss at Human Events, making a point with Your Business Blogger
Mitt Romney and Charmaine NOT talking politics. She has not endorsed any candidate.
Sanjaya was there, but he clearly was not impressed with the inside the beltway DC crowd. He didn’t understand how cool Your Nation’s Capital is. Teenagers.
See White House Correspondents Dinner – Sanjaya Malakar Gets Political.
Don’t make the mistake we did at last year’s dinner. Walking The Red Carpet; In 7 Easy Steps.
We did not join the 3,000 diners in the main ballroom, opting instead for our own get together at the Washington Hilton. Our group actually had some laffs. Come to DC this time next year and we will invite you. Subscribe by email or RSS and get on the list for the next White House Correspondents’ Dinner Alternative Party.

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