MEDIA ALERT: Falwell Dead at 73; Charmaine Discusses Political Impact on CNN and MSNBC

on left: Bauer, Falwell, McCain on far right
at Liberty University. Falwell
has been described as a ‘kingmaker.’
May 2006
credit: Charmaine Yoest Charmaine will be interviewed on CNN and on Tucker Carlson on MSNBC today to discuss the impact of the loss of The Rev. Jerry Falwell who died at his desk in Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Tucker on MSNBCCharmaine and Your Business Blogger have worked with Falwell on a number of issues over the years.
He will be missed.
CNN Hit time on CNN is 6pm eastern tonight.
Hit time for Tucker is 4:08 eastern — right now…
Thankyou (foot)notes:
Update: MSNBC misspelled Yoest — by line read Charmaine Youst. Stuff happens. See Any PR is good, As Long As They Spell Your Name Right
See the swearing in of 2nd LT’s at Thomas Road Baptist Church.
See Planned Parenthood mocking Falwell.

My family and I are in shock right now. All four of my siblings and I graduated from LU, my Mother has a diploma from LU, my sister is a professor there, my husband is a graduate and my sister and brother-in-law are on the board of regents. We have deep roots there, and are greatly saddened. Jerry performed my Mother’s funeral this past January 8. He will be sorely missed.