This War is Lost; Incompetent Generals: A Letter To Liberal Democrat Harry Reid


Barry R. Relinger

June 14, 2007

Sen. Harry Reid

528 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Sen. Reid:

Please allow me to take this opportunity to express my complete contempt for anyone who allows their quest for political power to bring them to a point of such despicable and unwarranted personal attacks on members of our military as those in which you have recently engaged. Generals Pace and Petraeus, who have served their country courageously and honorably for over 73 years of active duty, deserve better then to be used as pawns in your pursuit of political power by engaging in unfounded and cowardly attacks.

As one who served in the United States Navy from 1957 to 1969, I find your obvious efforts to sabotage the military mission in Iraq and Afghanistan to border on treason. You bring shame and discredit on the United States Senate and our Nation with your continuing support of our enemies.

With Utter Contempt

Barry R. Relinger

U. S. Navy, 1957-1969

Thankyou (foot)note to John Howland with the USNA at Large

And see Harry Reid Democrat: This War is Lost; LT Landaker died for nothing


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2 Responses

  1. New Yorker says:

    Mr. Yoest,

    Perhaps you encourage Mr. Relinger to send President Bush a similar letter. After all he actually fire General Pace in the middle of a war.

    Steve Benen makes the case here:

  2. Barry R. Relinger says:

    FYI the following email WAS sent to the President at on 6/11/2007. – Mr. President: I am a stanch conservative but you are making it increasingly difficult to support you in light of your latest far left positions on immigration and, most recently, your cowardly failure to re-appoint Gen. Pace for a second term. It appears that the Democrat members of Congress are running this nation and not the President. Very Respectfully, Barry R. Relinger