Best YouTube for the Week: The Washington Briefing

Are you e harmony with your presidential candidate? Tony Perkins helps in this relationship.
Be sure to take the straw poll on The Washington Briefing 2007 web site.
Full Disclosure: Charmaine, the Helpmeet of Your Business Blogger, works for The Family Research Council.
This brilliant clip is the work of David Salkeld.

I am EXTREMELY disappointed in men I have admired for so long who are abandoning principles for, well, perhaps a perceived strategy to win or wield some kind of political power or they have just gone off the deep end.
Christians should be involved in the political process, they should have influence but my friends we do not abandon our principles to win politically. When we do, we lose, because we become what we are opposed to.
For the first time in a long time, we have a Christian man driven by principle, a man of strong character, a man who lives what he believes, a man we can trust, a man who by his very nature can restore dignity and trust of the Office of President. As a Christian, supporting Mike Huckabee for President is, in my view, a “no brainer.”
Gary Bauer, Tony Perkins, and Richard Land are seriously compromising Christian principles and values for a political win.
I will not compromise.
Will you?
I think these guys need to get the message: We want Uncompromising Leadership.
“it is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord. than to put confidence in princes.” Psalm 118:8-9
Maybe they just forgot.