You Are Invited: The Politics of Parental Leave at the New America Foundation

Charmaine will be giving a presentation on The Politics of Parental Leave: Is Paid Parental Leave an Effective Means of Promoting Gender Equity in the Workplace? at the New America Foundation.
Start: 11/15/2007 – 12:30pm to 1:30pm
at New America Foundation
1630 Connecticut Ave, NW 7th Floor
Washington, 20009
New America Foundation
From the New America Foundation web site,
U.S. political candidates are beginning to produce work and family policy positions in response to what most Americans feel – that work and family balance is a major issue facing American families. Women in particular struggle with such balance and with achieving equality in the workplace. Several bills have been introduced in Congress to mandate paid parental leave to help women achieve better balance and more equality. But is this approach best for women as a whole?
Dr. Charmaine Yoest of the Family Research Council served as the Project Director of the Family, Gender and Tenure research project at the University of Virginia. The research is the only study of its kind to examine the effectiveness of paid parental leave in the United States.
The University of Virginia
Dr. Yoest’s experience as a researcher, policy advocate and mother of five give her an important perspective on this current debate. Join the New America Foundation’s Workforce and Family Program for a provocative discussion on paid parental leave.
Be sure to visit and let us know what you think.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Charmaine did her dissertation on the Family Medical Leave Act, titled: Empowering Shakespeare’s Sister: Parental Leave and the Level Playing Field.
More on the New America Foundation at the jump.
Eric A. Benhamou
Chairman, 3Com Corporation & Palm Inc.; Chairman and CEO, Benhamou Global Ventures, LLC
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President & CEO
James Fallows
Board Chairman, New America Foundation; National Correspondent, The Atlantic Monthly
Roger W. Ferguson Jr.
Chairman, Swiss Re America Holding Corporation
Francis Fukuyama
Professor of International Political Economy, Johns Hopkins University
Ted Halstead
Founder, New America Foundation
Noosheen Hashemi
President, HAND Foundation
Laurene Powell Jobs
President of the Board, College Track
Kati Marton
Author & Journalist
Walter Russell Mead
Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations
Lenny Mendonca
Chairman, McKinsey Global Institute
Steven Rattner
Managing Principal, Quadrangle Group, LLC
Eric Schmidt
Chairman & CEO, Google, Inc.
Bernard L. Schwartz
Retired Chairman & CEO, Loral Space & Communications Ltd.
Anne-Marie Slaughter
Dean, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University
Laura D’Andrea Tyson
Professor, Business Administration & Economics, Haas School of Business, UCLA Berkeley
Christine Todd Whitman
President, Whitman Strategy Group
Daniel Yergin
Chairman, Cambridge Energy Research Associates
Fareed Zakaria
Editor, Newsweek International

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