Bomb Threat at The Family Research Council

Charmaine speaking at the recent Washington Briefing
Scheduling and interruptions are always a challenge for Your Business Blogger and the Dr./Mrs. here in Your Nation’s Capital.
Bomb Threats.
So Charmaine calls and she says that she’s at the MacDonald’s down the street from her office.
I ask,
“Getting dinner for us?” I like MacDonalds.
“No. We’ve been evacuated. Bomb threat at our building.”
The Family Research Council owns and occupies the entire building. The threat is not random.
This would not be the first time that the peace-loving liberals conspired to, well, disrupt operations.
It might be more helpful if the liberals could channel this energy toward the jihadists.
Unless Rosie O’Donnell is behind this. Because the Jesus lovers are jihadists…to liberals.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Charmaine is a veteran of a number of death threats and Bomb threats and bombings. See her reporting from London during the bombings on 7.7.05. At least when I was in the Army, I could get a medal.
Charmaine calls early morning from Edinburgh. “I’m having trouble flying into London,” she says.
I’m still waking up. I ask, “When can you come home?”
“I don’t know,” she says, her voice unsteady, “They’re still clearing the bodies.”
A wake up call.
London, welcome to the war.
It started, as most things these days do, with Powerline.

Gosh, I hate that this happened. We have had one bomb threat since I have been on staff at Exodus. I just don’t understand.
FRC and you all have my prayers.
It wasn’t as deep as you tried to make the situation out to be. As a matter of fact it had NOTHING to do with FRC being threated. As confirmed by FRCs head of security, “THIS WAS NOT A THREAT AGAINST FRC. There was a vehicle parked near the corner of 8th & G…the person driving the vehicle had allegedly made a bomb at or near the White House. The vehicle in question was located at the aforementioned location…and seized. The driver of the vehicle was also questioned,but it is unknown at this time whether she was taken into custody or not.”
As a VP of Communications, the first rule of thumb is getting your facts straight first. This is what truly needs to be more before channeling your paranoid delusions towards liberals and jihadists rather than trying to be a bunch of self-indulging opportunists who crave attention.