On The Road With the Mike Huckabee Presidential Campaign in Iowa

What is the one thing that Presidential Campaigns have in common with military campaigns?
Nobody sleeps.
Not even Fred Thompson, truth be told.
Last week Your Business Blogger was curious about Iowa in the winter. We had been in the state in the summer when the temperature hit 100 degrees. Now the temperature is in single digits. A top coat in Washington, DC is a fashion statement.
In Iowa in Winter coats are survival equipment.
So we load up the Penta-Posse in the monster SUV at O:Dark-thirty for the drive from Little Rock to Des Moines.
Coats alone take up half the truck. (We hope to do some skiing.) Before we depart, I yell out for a Kid Count. The responses are muffled from the kids under coats.
We stop at MacDonald’s to get super-sized with biscuits, coffee, bacon, eggs, cheese, sausage and hash browns in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We consumed breakfast on the road after the meal consumed a week’s pay. I’m considering direct deposit. Or maybe get a job at Hamburger University near Chicago.
It was a long drive. Alert Readers will note that there is no direct Inter-State highway connection between the two state capitals. Governor Huckabee was criticized for his road building initiatives, but we did drive on improved hard surface roads. Thank goodness. Publicly-funded public works at their best.
Full Disclosure: Charmaine, the wife of my life is advising the Huckabee bid with campaign veterans Chip Saltsman and Ed Rollins.
Charmaine was doing a bit of flying but decided to ride to spend quality and quantity time with the wee-ones before the Iowa Caucus. She also wanted to get some work done on the trip up, perhaps.
But she got distracted in the middle of a press release composition, where Your Business Blogger almost lost his composure.
The Darling Baby Boo got ill and lost more than his composure.
In the working of governments there is accepted practice of keeping the drafts of proposals and ideas and the log-rolling-record of the bargaining to get deals done, off the public record. At the state level, these trial balloons are called the “Governor’s Working Papers.” All political parties respect the practice. The papers are confidential.
The papers reflect the “Sausage Making” as Bismark said.
But I’m not sure it was not only the making of law he was referring to.
When the Baby Boo got sick, he threw up his sausage all over the governor’s briefing papers.
I don’t think this is what Bismark was talking about.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Huckabee will be conducting a press conference at high noon today. Must view.

I’m LOVING Mike Huckabee! And, I’m loving the way he’s calling Romney out on all the distortions he’s been trotting out about his “record” as the invisible governor (you may recall I was not an enthusiast when you and I last spoke about him) – though I supported him avidly during his campaign for Gov (right when I moved) he was a nightmare. Barely even showed up for work.
Tell Charmaine……if they need any last minute information related to kids (who dropped like flies during his administration)I can give them a real earful about the horrendous job he did w/ our child welfare system here in good old Massachusetts!
A child name Dontell Jeffers who died in foster care should be Romney’s Willie Horton along w/ a little girl named Haleigh Poutre, who was almost beaten to death while DSS workers w/ the Gov’s blessing looked on and did nothing. Worse yet, he hastily assembled a “taskforce” to write the coverup!
Happy New Year!
You and Charmaine should keep an eye out for my friends the Duggars.
JimBob and 5 of his older children are comimng to Iowa for a week to help with the Huckabee campaign.
I told JimBob to look for Charmaine–I suspected she’d be there. Didn’t know about you and the kids.
Happy New Year.
Dear Jack and Charmaine,
Wonderful story. See, this is why God gives them to us with love and to love … otherwise, we’d kill them.
Please remember that Kathy and I keep You and our Family are in our prayers.