Ted Turner is the Big Winner…

Brent Bozell
MRC’s Founder…at the Media Research Center’s DisHonor Awards. Your Business Blogger and Charmaine attended last night’s fund raising dinner with 960 of our closest DC friends.
Typical rubber chicken talk-a-thon? Nope. Steak at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Humor and hand-held noise makers. Real Laughter.
Brent Bozell, with his master of ceremonies, Peabody Awarding winning Cal Thomas, had terrific material to work with.
Poking fun at the liberal media bias. With actual footage of the nincompoopheads that bring us the news. The Goliaths.
The Army of Davids was in the audience.
Media Research CenterThere were multiple categories. Nominees included Andrea Mitchell, Chris Matthews, Nina Totenberg, Jack Cafferty, Keith Obermann, Nancy Giles, Rick Kaplan, David Gergen, Ted Turner, Harry Smith, Mary Mapes, Kathy Griffin, Alec Baldwin, Rosie O’Donnell.
Oddly, none of the nominees were in attendance.
The presenters included Tony Blankley, Larry Kudlow, Mark Levin, Brent Bozell.
The winners were Chris Mathews, Rosie O’Donnell, Ted Turner.
The West’s Last ChanceHigh class swell swag was to be had. Courtesy MRC: copies of Tony Blankley’s new book.*
Ted Turner’s award winning interview was his political analysis. Critical of the USA, and fawning of North Korea and Kim Jong-il. Oppression, torture, starvation north of the 38th parallel? He didn’t see any. “I saw thin people…riding bikes,” lectured Turner.
Odd to hear an American hating southern accent. Well, his and Jimmy Carter’s.
Conservatives have a liberal sense of humor. Mark Levin said, “…Rosie O’Donnell went to charm school…on a football scholarship.”
Tony Blankley mused that CNN’s AAron Burr Brown believes all conservative policies and programs are delivered from “the anus of satan.”
Larry Kudlow comma Capitalist, as he always introduces himself on CNBC, rolled the Chris Matthews clip. This is where the host of Harball says, “We’ve got to get out of our American skin…the North Vietnamese were …objectively the good guys…” in the Vietnam War. This is what passes for journalism. And is failing.
Stan Evans bemoaned the lack of liberal’s grammar. “Brokeback Mountain?…It’s not Brokeback — it’s BROKENback Mountain…”
See the video at the Media Research Center.
The evening closed with A Tribute to the American Military. Some cried. Out loud.
Brent Bozell is a class act. Who loves America.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
* I picked up a few extra copies of the Blankley book. Leave me a comment on liberal bias and the benefit of blog reading and I’ll mail you a FREE copy. Include mailing address, will not be published. While supplies last.
The DisHonors Awards have been held since 1999. More at the jump.
Soldier’s Angel has more on the media bias.
Visit Pundit Review for real analysis.
Full Disclosure: Brent Brozell has said nice things about Your Business Blogger’s wife and one of her appearances on Bill Maher’s Politically Incorrect.
The panel of judges included TonyBlankey; Neal Boortz, Brent Bozell, William F. Buckley, Jr; Steve Forbes; John Fund; Sean Hannity; Laura Ingraham; Mark Levin; Rush Limbaugh; Mary Matalin; Robert Novak; Kate O’Beirne; William Rusher; Cal Thomas; Walter Williams; Thomas Winter.
From MRC:
At our ” annual gala celebration held in Washington, D.C., the Media Research Center presents the “DisHonors Awards,” roasting the most outrageously biased liberal reporters as selected by a distinguished panel of leading media observers. At each annual gala, we mockingly award the worst reporting of the year and then have a conservative leader accept the award in jest. For our 2006 dinner, which will be held on March 30, Cal Thomas will again generously serve as Master of Ceremonies and we will feature a “Tribute to the American Military.”
Past award galas have featured a who’s who of conservative opinion leaders, from Ann Coulter to Laura Ingraham to Sean Hannity.
Each year, the Media Research Center compiles the most outrageous and/or humorous news media quotes from the preceding year, as determined by a panel of leading media observers (radio talk show hosts, magazine editors, columnists, and editorial writers) and published in our annual Best Notable Quotables issue. Each year-end edition of Notable Quotables includes the winners and top runners-up in a variety of categories, such as the “Damn those Conservatives Award,” the “Carve Clinton into Mount Rushmore Award,” or the “Real Reagan Legacy Award,” along with the “Quote of the Year Award,” as selected by the judges.
The mission of the Media Research Center is to bring balance and responsibility to the news media. Leaders of America’s conservative movement have long believed that within the national news media a strident liberal bias existed that influenced the public’s understanding of critical issues. On October 1, 1987, a group of young determined conservatives set out to not only prove – through sound scientific research – that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional American values, but also to neutralize its impact on the American political scene. What they launched that fall is the now acclaimed
— Media Research Center (MRC).
The MRC, headquartered in Alexandria, VA, began modestly with a handful of employees, a black and white TV, and a rented computer. The first order of business was to organize a research operation second to none. For years, conservatives could only present the anecdotal evidence of liberal journalists’ bias – a question in this interview, a statement in that report. However, anecdotal examples of bias do not prove a liberal agenda. Only through thorough, comprehensive, and ongoing analysis based on quantitative and qualitative research can one document liberal bias in the media.
That moved MRC founder and president, L. Brent Bozell III, to take the necessary steps to develop the MRC’s News Tracking System (NTS), a custom-designed computer database and archiving system that today provides the conservative movement’s now-thriving media personalities and the public alike, with the evidence necessary to confront the liberal media. This one-of-a-kind research operation combines analytical savvy with state-of-the-art computer technology, providing the means to scientifically track the short and long-range trends of any issue in the media. From a $339,000 initial annual budget, the MRC has grown to be the nation’s largest and most sophisticated television and monitoring operation, now employing 60 professional staff with a $6 million annual budget.
The result of the MRC’s work is a mountain of evidence to use in combating the undeniable bias. The key to the MRC’s effectiveness is the ability to prove bias by using scientific studies and word-for-word quotes from the media.
Through the MRC’s successful implementation of the largest, most comprehensive media monitoring operation in the world, the MRC serves as the checks and balances on the Fourth Estate. Through its divisions, programs, and a marketing effort that never rests, the Media Research Center has become an institutionalized machine on the issue of balance in the press.
The News Division, the backbone to the MRC’s extensive operation, employs a team of expert news analysts who daily monitor all major nationally televised and print news broadcasts.
The Free Market Project (FMP), the economics division of the MRC, is the only organization of its kind dedicated to correcting the media’s anti-free enterprise biased reports and to promote a fair portrayal of the business community in the news and entertainment media.
The Conservative Communications Center (C3) arms the conservative movement with the marketing and communications skills necessary to deliver its vision and ideas, undistorted, to the American people.
Cybercast News Service (CNSNews.com) is an indispensable on-line source for conservatives in the media, public policy and at the grassroots level, for news as it should be reported—accurate, balanced, and unfiltered.
Finally, MRC President Brent Bozell writes a weekly newspaper column distributed by the Creator’s Syndicate. Op-eds by the MRC staff have recently appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Investor’s Business Daily and National Review.
MRC in the News
Many media outlets — radio, television and print — regularly feature MRC guests on their programs, quote MRC spokespeople in their articles, and cite MRC research in their stories. Below is a sampling of MRC making news in the news media. Links are provided when available, and were active when posted.
What Others Say About the MRC
Read what Rush Limbaugh, Bill Bennett, Bob Novak and other leading conservatives say about the Media Research Center.
Comic Commentary
Recent MRC contributions to political discourse, as chronicled by the nationally-syndicated comic strip Paul Nowak.
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By joining the MRC members gain many benefits, including discounts on all MRC products and novelty media bias items such as “Don’t Believe the Liberal Media” pens, bumper stickers and magnets, and tools to fight to correct the media’s liberal bias. Members receive a special monthly report, Flash, which keeps them up to date with all of the MRC’s activities, special reports and projects to combat liberal media bias.
MRC Internship Program
In 1992 the MRC founded this internship program to educate young conservatives about media bias in the news so they can work to bring balance to the media in the political or journalistic career they pursue.
Job Openings
The MRC employs a team of over 60 professionals dedicated to bringing balance to the media and we are always looking for good people to join our effort by working for us. Check to see if your abilities and interests match one of our current openings.

…Your write up on the fundraising dinner was quite amusing, I must say 🙂
Mrs. KJ,
Book on the way.