Hillary Goes To Church, Klings To Her Religion

Your Business Blogger(R) just received an email from Alert Reader Janice who tells us about Hillary’s presence at the State Street United Methodist Church in Bowling Green, KY,
I just received an email letting me know that, yes indeed, the Paul Fryman who was our former student at Asbury was the pastor who preached at State Street UMC in Bowling Green, KY this past Sunday when Hillary was there. He has been the subject of abuse because his sermon was on adultery. He has received hate mail and all sorts of attacks – including accusations of being a pedophile and needing therapy, etc. He has chosen (wisely) not to react or respond at all. Paul is a humble, guileless servant of Christ.
The service and Paul have been distorted unbelievably.
Here are some facts, in case someone asks you:
· Hillary’s people called Paul and told him she would be in his church, it was not a request.
· He told her people that they were in a series of sermons and that the morning sermon would be on adultery from the Sermon on The Mount, making sure she knew what she would hear, the bulletins were already printed.
· Paul’s sermon was 12 minutes (not the hour-long that was in the press – that was the length of the whole service)
· Paul acknowledged the presidential candidate’s presence in the service (some reports said that she was ignored and unwelcomed).
· Reporters sat in the service with their laptops – did not participate in the service respectfully.
· His sermon will be put online as soon as possible so that people can judge for themselves. [he called for members of the congregation to make a new commitment to their own marriages and to be aware of the temptations that they face – it was not an attack against Hillary
Thank you (foot)notes:
Alert Reader Janice is a former Board Member of Asbury College and, with her husband were professors at the Methodist institution of higher learning.
See, While Campaigning in Kentucky Hillary Clinton Hears Sermon On Infidelity.
Read where CNN gets it wrong. This is not news.
But what is news is that CNN can’t spell. Nancy writes into CNN,
May 18th, 2008 5:15 pm ET
Just a note – please check the spelling on the word “alter,” which I belive [sic] should be “altar”. Or at least that’s how it’s spelled at my church. See, all democrats are not Godless heathens.
Nancy must be pro-life…
CORRECTION: Janice Crouse, Ph.D., is a current member of the Board of Directors for Asbury College in Wilmore, Ky.

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