Virginia GOP Convention 2008

Virginia GOP Convention
2008, Richmond, VA Your Business Blogger(R) is honored to be a delegate to the Commonwealth of Virginia GOP Convention.
We will be driving down this weekend with a partial Penta-Posse to vote for the future leadership of the Commonwealth and the Nation. The Convention will be a terrific education.
I hope to get the kids into a smoke-free/smoked-filled-back-room deal-doings. Everyone loves kids.
Except the baby-killing Obama. No, no — Barack X. Obama has never performed an actual abortion.
That I know of.
He just votes for letting babies born alive … to die. Obama opposed the Born Alive Infants Act. Not even Hillary Clinton did that. Not Ted Kennedy.
Goodness, not even the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) lobbied against the Born Alive Infants Act.
Obama against
Babies born alive
Warning: explicit images
thank you Catholic Fire
Thank you (foot)notes:
Nobody hangs up when a kid callsJeff Frederick is out-polling John Hager for Republican Party of Virginia chairman on the Family Foundation Blog.
Can Pro-Choice Gilmore win? Here’s how.
See The Convention Is Almost Here.
Watch The Diva and The Dude work the phone bank in the Des Moines Presidential primary,
Dick Cheney is the headliner for the dinner on Friday nite.
Where are the strongest grass roots? It’s not with the Obamanation.
Your Business Blogger(R) of Management Training of DC, LLC, is a licensed agent for the William Oncken Corporation; presenters of Managing Management Time(TM) fondly known as Monkey Management.

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