Charmaine’s Surgery

She’s fine.
Late Saturday Charmaine felt another set of pains that felt too much like a heart attack.
Charmaine and Baby Boo at the hospital… getting ready to vote
Sunday morning we all were up at O:Dark-Thirty to work on lit drops at churches.
But her pains persisted and we dropped The Dreamer and The Dude at McCain HQ on Clarke Street in Arlington to work with the team.
And we went to the Emergency Room.
It was her first visit to same hospital since birthing out two of the five wee ones years ago.
It wasn’t her heart. Not life threatening. But her gall bladder was causing her a world of hurt — 72 hours before the election.
The timing was, well, inconvenient.
We could have waited, I suppose, but docs strongly recommended sooner rather than later…as in: sign this release form NOW.
And we didn’t want to chance anymore massive pain.
A routine operation. Then an uneventful recovery overnite. Then Your Business Blogger(R) raced her to the voting booth shortly before closing time.
She lost her gall bladder, we lost Virginia.
But she hasn’t lost her will to fight.
As Scripture says, joy comes in the morning and the battle for Life will continue.
And we will win.
By God’s Grace.
UPDATE: Charmaine will be appearing on FOX today, Thursday, to debate the future of Sarah Palin. Hit time is 11:20am. Please tune in and let us know what you think. She should do OK…we took her bandages off this morning. I think her meds might be wearing off, though.
See Charmaine’s Press Release from Americans United for Life on reaction to the election of Obama.

So glad that Charmaine’s okay, and free of the demonic gall bladder. John had the same issue while traveling in Cleveland a few years back; he called me from Lakeland Hospital’s cardiac wing at Dark:Thirty (ha – love that!) to tell me “they think I’m having a heart attack.” At least it wasn’t Election Day!
Maybe a spot o’ rest is in order, hm?
Jack, pass on to Charmaine that she is in our prayers and has’s support. May He heal her soon.
I am really sorry to hear about Charmaine’s pain and surgery. I wish her a speedy recovery and good health for the future.
I also think that we will come back strong in time for the 2010 midterms. Let us hope for and work for a huge pro-life sweep.
Glad to hear she’s ok – I’ll be praying for a quick and total recovery and hoping we can see you guys sometime soon.
Dr. Pudner, thank you for your support!
We are glad to hear that John did not have a heart attack! But the cardiac ward! Did they ever let him out?
It is not true that Poll watchers would not allow IV poles into polling booths…
Joe, I think you are right. The liberal Dems will over-reach and attempt push thru liberal nonsense that they’ve been waiting for since 1980. This will set up the conservative come back in ’10 and the take back of the executive branch in ’12.
Thank you for commenting,
What a wonderful surprise this AM to get an email from you, Charmaine! You have been on my mind and heart constantly. I am glad you were able to come home. Assuming you have an abdominal incision, and speaking from recent experience, be careful about lifting and pulling. When you are at home, it is hard not to pick up a laundry basket or use your foot to scoot a chair or something back into place – don’t do it! And hold your tummy tightly if you have to cough or sneeze – or laugh!! Pamper yourself for awhile and let Jack and the Posse wait on you. You are important to this aunt and to all your family.
I am glad you had an opportunity to vote. I had wondered about that. I marked my ballot back on the first day voting was allowed in Georgia.
Have a day of peace, love, and joy!
Hi Charmaine, I heard you weren’t feeling well and were in the hospital for a few days. Hope you’re doing better now. Sorry for your pain and discomfort. Praying for you. Dont write back unless you’re super bored, im sure you need your rest.
big hug
Our prayers are with you.
I’m glad to hear that recovery is progressing.
We all have to heal after Tuesday.
God bless, Walt
Was so sorry to hear that a trip to the emergency room was in order…..and right before the election, too!
However, hope all is well now. But, do take care and don’t push too hard because it takes time to recuperate fully from surgery, regardless of how rapidly it is performed.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
All the Best,
Sue Tovey
I am so glad you are OK Charmaine. I have not commented here in a while but I had to today. I know you worked hard on McCain’s behalf and we were hoping for a win as well but it was not to be.
We will all have to be in prayer for our new president and for our country.
Again, I am so glad your surgery went well and you are OK.
Charmaine ~ So sorry to hear about your surgery! Happy to hear that you are doing well and, thank God, it wasn’t more serious. Gall bladders ~ who needs ’em! Bless you as you recover. Keep up the good work – I read about your comings and goings on Jack’s site all the time. Carol Clews
Jack – happy to hear that everything went smoothly with the surgery. I hope you’re doing well.
Congratulations, Jack, and please relay my best to Charmaine.
You’re closing in on our total of seven children, “yeah”, they’re in their 20s and 30s but they are still our children.
Please tell Charmaine that we’re praying that the rest of her recovery goes smoothly and quickly! I’m glad she got to vote–even thought we lost the state.
In Him,
My prayers are with you for a quick recovery. Lots of love and prayers, Mary
I am glad Charmaine’s surgery went well and I wish her a speedy recovery. Unfortunately, I missed her comments about Governor Palin today as I was having an ultrasound at Fauquier Hospital as part of my recovery from my second knee replacement less than a week ago.
We will continue the good fight and we will have better outcomes in the future. At least my congressman, Eric Cantor, is going strong!
Best wishes,
Hi Charmaine,
Our prayers & best wishes go out to you & your family.
I wish you only the best for the future…
God bless you my friends!
Look on the bright side