Is Abortion a Right? The Inauguration of Obama

People are divided. The country is divided.
However one feels, Obama has promised to make this division worse. He has promised to sign the Freedom of Choice Act or FOCA.
The Coweta-FayetteRTL blog reminds us that FOCA would,
* Provide for taxpayer-funded abortion on demand at all 9 months of pregnancy
* Grant abortionists protections from legal action
* Allow abortionists to perform abortion on minors without parental notification
* Deny health care workers the right to refuse to make abortion referrals as a matter of conscience
* Take away legal protection from religiously-affiliated hospitals who refuse to allow abortions within their facilities
* Overturn laws requiring abortions to be performed by a licensed physician
In April 2007 the Senate considered FOCA. Read the bill foca_2007_senate.pdf.
The Supreme Court has allowed abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Obama goes further (and later) and supports post-birth abortion. A civilized people will not stand for the destruction of its most defenseless citizens. Obama is in for a fight.
Join Fight FOCA
Obama’s Inauguration
December before last Your Business Blogger(R) followed Charmaine as she worked on the Huckabee presidential campaign. I drove the Penta-Posse in the monster Huck-a-truck and we lived out (lots!) of suitcases across Arkansas, Iowa, New Hampshire.
All of the campaigners, liberal and conservative, stayed in the same hotels. We often crossed paths and chatted in the elevators.
Sometimes we’d compliment the Obama team. “He’s a very attractive candidate,” I remember saying to an Obama worker at one time…
Anybody was better than Hillary.
Now we have both of them.
So what do we do now with the coming socialists? Waiting for the party of death?
Sign FightFOCA, to start.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Be sure to see Charmaine speak at Blogs 4 Life this Thursday, the 22nd in Your Nation’s Capital.
Random Thoughts has graphics of partial birth abortion, which would be permitted under Obama’s Freedom of Choice Act.
Thank you to NRL for the FOCA legislative link.
Please sign the petition. Almost 470,000 have signed to date.
Pro-Life and Pro-Obama?
See the Americans United for Life blog.
See Major Scoop on FOCA.
Read Father Jim,
As Catholics, we must oppose passage of the evil “Freedom of Choice Act.” To read more about our U.S. Bishops’ opposition to FOCA, visit Americans United For Life is also encouraging pro-lifers to sign a petition against FOCA at Also certain to arise soon is the issue of federal judgeship nominations. President Obama’s picks for these key positions are all expected to be pro-choice, as are his choices for the Supreme Court. Committed pro-life Catholics have ample opportunity to pray for our nation, the very anti-life direction we are going towards now and our new President. God help America!
Abortion and FOCA is uniting all different religious traditions. See Making My Own Colors.
Be sure to bookmark Jill Stanek. We will need her insight over the next 4 years.
Obama: Abortion & The Death of a Live Birth, “Let all the babies be born. Then let us drown those we do not like.”
Watch the videos on Lisa’s blog. And thank her for installing the FightFOCA code on her template.
ComMITTed to Romney has Sign’s Petition to Protect Human Life!
A former submariner is Fighting FOCA.
A and A have got the code.
Barbara takes on “Choice.”
Abortions are decreasing.
And no, Abortion is not a right.
Tom McMahon asks about The Change.
2nd Cup of Coffee has Just One Wish.

Wow! This is impressive. You wrote: “The Coweta-FayetteRTL blog reminds us that FOCA would,
* Provide for taxpayer-funded abortion on demand at all 9 months of pregnancy
* Grant abortionists protections from legal action
* Allow abortionists to perform abortion on minors without parental notification
* Deny health care workers the right to refuse to make abortion referrals as a matter of conscience
* Take away legal protection from religiously-affiliated hospitals who refuse to allow abortions within their facilities
* Overturn laws requiring abortions to be performed by a licensed physician
Six bullet-points, and six lies about FOCA. Obvious lies, which any second-year law student who reads the text of FOCA can easily see are lies. Impressive even for a right-to-life blog. Congratulations!
SoMG, The facts of the legislation are the facts of the Freedom of Choice Act, FOCA. Setting your hair on fire does not change any facts. But your smoke does, as Saul Alinsky would say, “Stink up the place.”
Read a real lawyer’s review of FOCA;
“Further, FOCA would specifically invalidate any “statute, ordinance, regulation, administrative order, decision, policy, practice, or other action” of any federal, state, or local government or governmental official (or any person acting under government authority) that would “deny or interfere with a woman’s right to choose” abortion, or that would “discriminate against the exercise of the right . . . in the regulation or provision of benefits, facilities, services, or information.”
Clearly, its reach is very broad. This single piece of legislation would apply to any federal or state law “enacted, adopted, or implemented before, on, or after the date of [its] enactment.””
It might be helpful for a real pro-choice JD to read the actual legislation and offer an analysis.
But it hasn’t happened yet. The Pro-Choice (legal) opinion is slow to follow because the legislation is quite clear and deliberate: The Abortion business offices do not want any restrictions — remember Planned Parenthood makes money from sucking out the little baby bodies. The pro-choice community wants abortions to go up, not down. Like any good greedy big-business, abortion providers want business to increase — not decrease. Greed is Good! Ignorant women are the best customers!
(85 percent of women who see the science of a sonogram do not continue with an abortion. And Planned Parenthood will not let a woman see the sonogram — the first picture of her baby. Planned Parenthood and Cecile Richards want women to remain in the dark.)
We continue to welcome your comments. But you might consider giving up smoking…
Jack (and Charmaine)
Yes, Jack and Charmaine, FOCA is broad. But it will NOT provide for taxpayer-funded abortion on demand at all 9 months of pregnancy, grant abortionists protections from legal action, allow abortionists to perform abortion on minors without parental notification, deny health care workers the right to refuse to make abortion referrals as a matter of conscience, take away legal protection from religiously-affiliated hospitals who refuse to allow abortions within their facilities, nor overturn laws requiring abortions to be performed by a licensed physician.
You wrote: “It might be helpful for a real pro-choice JD to read the actual legislation and offer an analysis. But it hasn’t happened yet. ”
Yes, it has. Not just JDs; actual professors of law (including ivy league profs)! Easy to find by googling.
You wrote: “The pro-choice community wants abortions to go up, not down. ”
You’re full of re-fried bean curd. Abortion docs, like all other docs, work to prevent, as well as to satisfy, the need for their services. This is one of the paradoxes of medicine. Cardiologists work to prevent people from needing cardiologists. Orthopedic surgeons work to help patients avoid needing their services. Same thing.