Media Alert: Americans United for Life Announces Legal Prospectus on Probable Supreme Court Nominees

Today, Americans United for Life, AUL, Announces Legal Prospectus on Probable Supreme Court Nominees
Washington, DC — Americans United for Life (AUL) announces today a new legal prospectus on the probable “short list” of President Obama’s Supreme Court nominees, and their records on life issues. AUL is the nation’s first national pro-life organization and the leading legal and public policy organization in the pro-life movement.
The comprehensive, concise document identifies nine probable nominees and highlights cases, past writings, opinions, and arguments indicating affinities for pro-abortion activism. In addition, it explains how past interpretations by some of the individuals could be applied to future rulings on life issues. The prospectus also identifies personal endorsements of and political contributions to extreme, pro-abortion activist groups.
For example, Solicitor General Elena Kagan tops many ‘short-lists’ and yet she has publicly and repeatedly criticized federal regulations that prohibit federally funded abortion counseling. Kagan argues that the regulations amount to the subsidization of “anti-abortion” speech. Another short-list topper, Judge Diane Wood, has disputed the constitutionality of partial-birth abortion bans enacted in Illinois and Wisconsin.
To access the prospectus, visit:
Follow Jack and Charmaine on Twitter: @JackYoest @CharmaineYoest
Tony Mauro at The Blog of Legal Times writes, Anti-Abortion Rights Group: Thumbs Down For Supreme Court Short List,
Americans United for Life, a leading anti-abortion rights group, has issued a negative appraisal of many of the presumed short-list possible nominees to replace retiring Justice David Souter. The group’s analysis seems to guarantee that abortion rights will become a rallying cry in the coming debate, no matter whom President Barack Obama nominates.
In a release announcing the analysis Charmaine Yoest, president of the organization, says, “The records of these potential nominees are absolutely the most radically pro-abortion our country has ever seen. Every potential nominee is pro-abortion and would advance President Obama’s radical agenda.” She vowed to “make the pro-life voice heard” during the confirmation process.
Americans United for Life Announces Legal Prospectus on Probable Supreme Court Nominees
More Americans are Pro-Life, Report Says,
Americans are more pro-life than pro-abortion, according to a new Gallup poll.
The poll reveals that 51 percent of Americans call themselves pro-life while 42 percent are pro-abortion. Seven percent of respondents had no opinion on the topic.
This is the first time the pendulum has swung to the pro-life side since Gallup began conducting the poll in 1995. Last year, 50 percent considered themselves pro-abortion and 44 percent pro-life.
The Banner is Unfurled
National Journal, Under the Influence
AUL Summer Research Assistant position open
TONY PHYRILLAS, Americans United for Life: Expect pro-abortion pick for Supreme Court

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