Memo to Senate Members: What do Americans Want in the Next Supreme Court Justice? New Polling Data Reveal Answers

Memo to Senate Members: What do Americans Want in the Next Supreme Court Justice?
New Polling Data Reveal Answers
Tele-News Conference to share a memo from Americans United for Life (AUL) urging all members of the Senate to consider fresh polling data on what Americans want in the next Supreme Court Justice. The data show that while the U.S. is supposedly a “divided” nation on the issue of abortion, overwhelming majorities of Americans agree on numerous issues relevant to the selection of a Supreme Court Justice, including:
· The role of interpreting the law vs. judicial activism based on personal viewpoints and opinion
· The role of states in regulating abortion
· Agreement/disagreement with positions held by potential nominees on
o Late term abortion
o Tax dollars paying for abortion
o Parental notification/consent before abortion
· Demographic preferences such as desired gender of the next Justice
The data also detail the political party, past voting record and demographic make-up of those polled. Q&A will follow a brief discussion of the poll findings.
Dr. Charmaine Yoest, President of Americans United for Life (AUL) (
Kellyanne Conway, President of The Polling Company, Inc. (
Tele-News Conference
For dial-in phone number and pass code to attend, contact:
Colleen O’Boyle (ext. 122) or Arina Grossu (ext. 104) at (703) 683-5004
WHEN Thursday, May 21st
10:00 AM ET

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