The Washington Times Gets It Right: Sotomayor's Abortion Ties

The Editorial page writer at The Washington Times has done some valuable research that will advance the debate on Sotomayor. The nominee is not Pro-Life.
EDITORIAL: Sotomayor’s abortion ties, Don’t believe disinformation that she’s pro-life
The most basic evidence of the judge’s support for Roe comes in the triple combination of White House assurances to that effect, of pro-choice senators declaring after meeting with her that they are sure she agrees with them, and of her entire jurisprudential approach of broadly construing anything characterized as “women’s rights.”
Other evidence is more direct. Consider that from 1980 until October 1992, Judge Sotomayor served on the board — at times as vice president and at times as chairman of the litigation committee — of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund. The New York Times in 1992 described her as “a top policy maker on the board.” During that time period, the fund filed briefs in not one, not two, but at least six prominent court cases in strong support of “abortion rights.”
Join Fight FOCARead the entire article here.
Obama will introduce the tenets of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) either by law or stealth and certainly through liberal, activist judges. Sign the Fight FOCA petition at Americans United for Life.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Read Sotomayor: Who Sleeps Better at Night, AUL or NARAL?
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