Media Alert: Sotomayor Fundamental Right to Abortion; Charmaine Yoest in Human Events

Charmaine’s Testimony
to the Judiciary CommitteeCharmaine has an article in Human Events,
Sotomayor: Fundamental Right To Abortion, Not to Bear Arms, by Charmaine Yoest, 07/28/2009
Of all the generalities and evasions that Judge Sonia Sotomayor offered the Senate Judiciary Committee during her confirmation hearing, surely the strangest was one she made when describing her role in the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund.
Sotomayor was on the PRLDEF’s board of directors for twelve years during the 1980s and early 1990s, a period when the fund issued no less than six briefs to the Supreme Court in abortion cases. Those briefs argued, among other things, that abortion was a “fundamental right” and that, contrary to scientific evidence, “the belief that life begins at conception is religious.” In them, the PRLDEF called upon the high court to strike down every common-sense state law regulating abortion, including ones supported by the overwhelming majority of Americans — such as parental-notification and informed-consent laws….
Dr. Yoest was the principal pro-life leader asked to testify at the Sotomayor hearings. For more, see
Dr. Yoest is President & CEO of Americans United for Life and AUL Action.
Read the entire article here.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
Panel to vote on Sotomayor, confirmation likely,
The anti-abortion rights group Americans United for Life has also weighed in against Sotomayor, writing to senators urging a “no” vote and announcing that it, too, would include her confirmation vote in its annual scorecard.
The group said it was concerned Sotomayor would “undermine any efforts by our elected representatives to pass even the most widely accepted regulations on abortion and circumvent the will of the people.”
Abortion unleashed in Obama healthcare; The current health care bill will expand abortion more than anything since the Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court. It will offer no freedom and little choice,
After the last election, the media wanted to write an obituary about the pro-life movement,” said Dr. Charmaine Yoest of Americans United for Life, “but on Capitol Hill they’re getting a lot of questions about FOCA, and this event is being taken very seriously. This battle over health care may seem new in some ways, but it’s the latest fight over FOCA, dressed up differently.”
Abortion a hurdle in health plan, Opponents gear up to fight ‘any mandate’ to require procedure, by Sylvia A Smith, Washington editor
WASHINGTON – Any health insurance bill Washington comes up with must ban coverage of abortion, one of the most common surgical procedures in the U.S., a group of organizations that oppose abortion has told Congress and President Obama.
The groups said they will ratchet up a campaign to ensure the “abortion mandate” is stripped from the bill.
“Abortion is not health care and does not belong in health-care reform,” the president of Americans United for Life said in a letter to President Obama on Thursday.
Charmaine Yoest said her organization will oppose any bill that “fails to explicitly exclude both abortion funding and mandatory abortion coverage” and that doesn’t allow health care providers to refuse to perform abortions.

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