Stop the Abortion Mandate: The Video

Then let us drown those we don’t like from the litter.
Let all the old folks die.
Who wants to feel their pain — they’re so old and bitter?”*
Charmaine Yoest, PH.D.
Screen Shot Courtesy Hot Air.
Obama is having trouble selling his socialized medicine.
Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood supports Obama’s health care government take over.
Americans United for Life Action does not.
Planned Parenthood has a money-making business model selling abortion. The Obama plan will demand abortion in health insurance plans and will provide tax dollars to provide for abortion on demand. Though all nine months — and beyond: See Obama and the death of a live birth.
Planned Parenthood will make more — lots more — money.
Your Business Blogger(R) loves business. But not this one.
Join Fight FOCA *”Let all the babies be born.
Then let us drown those we do not like.”
GK Chesterton, Babies and Distributism, GK’s Weekly, 11/12/32
Thank you (foot)notes:
Bait and switch healthcare – the Trojan Horse strategy,
Below is an open letter to those who support the life of the pre-born and stand against a mandate which would fund abortions from tax revenue. This letter is from Charmaine Yoest, P.H. D, President and CEO of Americans United for Life. She writes:
“We’ve got inside information: Yesterday a media-relations executive from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, giving a talk here in Washington on Planned Parenthood’s health care reform strategy, made a comment that revealed the impact we’ve been making in thwarting the abortion industry’s agenda. She lamented that because the “anti-choice” movement — meaning pro-lifers like you and me — had attracted so much attention to her organization’s efforts to mandate abortion funding in health care reform, Planned Parenthood was being forced onto the defensive.
Anti-Abortion Coalition Called Into Question, By Sara Jerome
Myths about abortion in “Health Care” debacle

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