How to get Completed Staff Work FREE Training for the Team Save the Date: 30 October

Your Business Professor is conducting a seminar on Completed Staff Work in Washington, DC on October 30th from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.
The session is FREE, hosted by Americans United for Life. There is no charge, but registration is required by building security.
Space is limited.
Managers: watch the YouTube, Train Your Staff, at the end
Course outline,
Three hour program
1. What is Completed Staff Work?
a. Perfection.
b. Efficient: faster, better, cheaper.
c. Happy Customers, Happy Employees, Happy Cash Flow.
2. Will I have Greater Job security?
a. Power as an employee.
b. Put me in coach – I’ll take that job.
c. Boss not always right; but s/he must always be happy.
3. How Do I Manage My Manager?
a. Child-teen-adult responsibility matrix.
b. Managers’ greatest two fears.
c. Selling to the boss.
Training is not only the responsibility of the Human Resources Department,
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