BUS 111 – Principles of Supervision I, Syllabus

Business 111 Principles of Supervision I, syllabus
BUS 111 – Principles of Supervision I
John Wesley Yoest, Jr. (Jack)
Adjunct Professor of Management Science, Technology and Business
Principles of Supervision 1 (Lecture)
Mondays and Wednesdays
11:30 am to 12:45 pm
August 23 to December 13, 2010
Classroom location to be announced
Main Campus:
Northern Virginia Community College
3001 North Beauregard Street
Alexandria, VA 22311
NVCC phone: 703 845-6200
Fax: 703-845-6009
Cell: 202.215.2434
M.B.A., George Mason University
B.S., Old Dominion University
Graduate Course Work, Oxford University
1) Principles of Supervision 1:
Prerequisites: Each student must be able to:
1) Read and write English fluently. A satisfactory placement score for ENG 111 is strongly recommended, and
2) Have the desire to understand the work of the first line supervisor.
Course Objectives:
Teaches the fundamentals of supervision, including the primary responsibilities of the supervisor. Introduces factors relating to the work of supervisor and subordinates. Covers aspects of leadership, job management, work improvement, training and orientation, performance evaluation, and effective employee/ supervisor relationships.
When you do well in this course, you will be able to:
1. Understand the operating roles of the supervisor.
2. Formulate objectives, make action plans, and assign tasks.
3. Understand motivation and effective leadership.
4. Set standards and evaluate performance.
5. Recognize the need for training and organize on-the-job training as appropriate.
6. Understand techniques for communicating, managing conflict, and administering discipline.
This course teaches the principles, skills, and techniques necessary to manage resources at the operational or front-line level. This course is introductory in that it assumes no previous managerial knowledge or experience.
Text: Supervision; Concepts & Skill-Building, 7th edition; Samuel C. Certo; McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2010.
2) Academic Requirements:
Homework: There will be reading assignments from the text for every class.
Find a friend: Exchange contact information with at least three class members to keep current on any missed classes. This is a course requirement for points. Your Business Professor is not the student’s first point of contact for gathering routine information.
Establish a domain & social media name. The student will reserve and claim a URL address, for example: www.yoest.com. This is a course requirement for points toward final grade.
Quizzes: Expect a short quiz in the first ten minutes of every class period. Questions may be very short answer, or fill-in-the-blank.
Class Participation: The Student is expected to volunteer and help move the class discussions.
Supervision in Current Events: To be presented in person and turned in on paper. Details below.
Examinations: There will be a Mid-Term and Final Exam; multiple choice and short answer. The Final Exam will be given on 13 December, the last day of class. The Final will be comprehensive.
3) Attendance:
Regular attendance of this course is expected. Failure to do so could have an adverse effect on the student’s course grade. Any class material and assignments missed are the student’s responsibility. Success will depend upon showing up.
Attendance will be taken at each class. Attendance at scheduled tests and presentations is mandatory. No make-ups will be given — there are no exceptions from Your Business Professor.
If a student misses the first two weeks of class s/he will be dropped from the class.
Canceled Classes: If class is canceled for any reason, the student is still responsible for the material due. Any quiz on that material might be given at the next class, in addition to the regularly scheduled quiz.
Supervision Current Events Presentations will not be accepted late and must be delivered in person.
Special Needs and Accommodations–Please address with the instructor any special problems or needs at the beginning of the semester/session. If the student is seeking accommodations based on disability, then s/he should provide a disability data sheet, which can be obtained from the Counselor for Special Needs.
In the event of an emergency cancellation of class, please check Blackboard for further instructions.
Excessive absences, as defined in the college catalog, could result in the student receiving the grade ‘F’ for the course.
The Successful Student will devote two hours of class preparation for each hour of class room instruction.
The student will be asked to grade the effectiveness of each test.
Withdrawals: Any student can withdraw from this course without academic penalty under certain conditions. Initiation of the withdrawal is the student’s responsibility and the grade of ‘W’ will be awarded.
Last day to drop with tuition refund or change to audit (Census Date) is ______________.
The last day for withdrawal, without academic penalty, for this semester/session is _______________.
Beyond this date dropping a course or failure to attend will result in the grade of ‘F’ except under mitigating circumstances. Documentation of these circumstances is required AND a grade of ‘W’ implies that the student was making satisfactory progress (passing) in the course at the time of the withdrawal.
Campus classes are closed by division, day or evening. Sometimes day classes will meet and evening classes will be canceled or vice versa. The evening division starts with 4:30 p.m. classes.
4) Testing and Grading:
Normally this instructor will assign only the grades of A, B, C, D, or F. Special grades such as W, I, and R will be assigned only in those circumstances prescribed in the college catalog.
The grade of X (audit) must be initiated by the student and will be assigned only when the student has attended class regularly. Failure to do so will result in the instructor issuing the grade of ‘F’.
Course Grading System:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 0-59
Grade Point Allocation:
Exams: Two each, 15 points each; 30 points total
Quizzes: Fifteen (15) @ 2 points each; 30 points total
Supervision Current Events Presentation: 20 points
Class Participation 10
Text Book: 1 points
Exchange contact info: 1
Claim Domain Name: 1
Claim Facebook/Twitter Name: 1
Extra Credit as assigned: 6
Total = 100 points/percent
Class Participation: This will be a subjective measure at the discretion of the instructor. Even with the grade structure following, making your voice heard and preparedness are important – they could make the difference in a borderline grade. The only way to begin to earn Class Participation points is to show up.
Supervision Current Event:
Each student will be required to give a brief five minute oral presentation on a supervision related current-event newspaper article. This current-event/internet assignment will be turned in with student notes.
This presentation should be organized:
1) Provide the source of the article.
2) Deliver a brief overview of the topic, and, most important,
3) Your opinion/reaction to the article.
At the beginning of the presentation you will turn in a print-out of the article, being sure to include the newspaper source, date, and website.
Supervision Current Event grading scale:
2 — Choice of article
4 — Follow Directions
4 — Organization
4 — Overview/Reaction/Opinion
4 — Presentation
2 — Turn In
20 Total Points
Cheating. The following will be considered cheating in this course:
1. The giving or receiving of aid on any graded assignments or test without specific permission of this instructor.
2. The use of any material on a graded assignment or test other than those authorized by this instructor.
3. Talking or discussion of any kind during a graded test without specific permission of this instructor.
5) Notes and suggestions and hints:
Check the course catalog first for questions.
Be sure to log onto Blackboard to follow assignments and current grade.
Expect to be asked to contribute to each class session.
Do not text-message during class.
When Your Business Professor says “Tomorrow” he means the next class meeting – not the next day.
It is normal and customary to wait for any late Professor for 20 minutes.
Draft Your Own Reference Letter.
Additional information and public speaking helps.
Job Search Tips
Refer your friends to take this business class.
Attention to Detail: No points or credit will be awarded for any project that does not have the student’s name on the work.
BUS 111 Semester Outline; There will be thirty (30) class sessions over sixteen (16) weeks.
August 23
Introduction and Expectations
August 25
Ch. 1 What is a Supervisor?
August 30
Ch. 2 Ensuring High Quality
Sept 1
Ch. 3 Groups
September 6
No Class Labor Day
September 8
Ch. 4 Ethics
Ch. 5 Managing Diversity
September 13
Ch. 6 Goals
September 15
Ch. 7 Organizing
September 20
Ch. 8 Leadership
September 22
Ch. 9 Problem Solving
September 27
Exam Review
September 29
Mid-Term Exam____________________________________
October 4
Ch. 10 Communication
October 6
Ch. 10 Con’t
October 11
No Class
October 13
Ch. 11 Motivating
October 18
Ch. 11 Con’t
October 20
Ch. 12 Problem Employees
October 25
Ch. 12 Con’t
October 27
Supervision Current Event DUE; Presentation
November 1
Presentations Con’t
November 3
Ch. 13 Managing Time
November 8
Ch. 13 Con’t
November 10
Ch. 14 Leadership
November 15
Ch. 14 Con’t
November 17
Ch. 15 Selecting Employees
November 22
Ch. 15 Con’t
November 24
No Class
November 29
Management Training class suggested reading:
Do You Have An Incompetent Manager? From The Washington Post
December 1
Ch. 16 Appraising Performance
December 6
Ch. 16 Con’t
December 8
Exam review
December 13
Final Exam ______________________________________
If the student would like his/her graded final exam returned, please submit a stamped-self-addressed-envelope to Your Business Professor before the examination on December 13.
Jack Yoest
John Wesley (Jack) Yoest Jr., is a senior business mentor in high-technology, medicine, non-profit and new media consulting. His expertise is in management training and development, operations, sales, and marketing. He has worked with clients in across the USA, India and East Asia.
Mr. Yoest is an adjunct professor of management in the Science, Technology and Business Division of the Northern Virginia Community College. He is also the president of Management Training of DC, LLC.
He has been published by Scripps-Howard, National Review Online, The Business Monthly, The Women’s Quarterly and other outlets. He was a columnist for Small Business Trends, and was a finalist in the annual 2006 Weblog Awards in the Best Business Blog category for Reasoned Audacity which covers the intersection of business, culture and politics. The blog has grown to receive over a million unique visitors in five years.
Mr. Yoest served as a gubernatorial appointee in the Commonwealth of Virginia. During his tenure in state government, he acted as the Chief Technology Officer for the Secretary of Health and Human Resources where he was responsible for the successful Year 2000 (Y2K) conversion for the 16,000-employee unit. He also served as the Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Resources, acting as the Chief Operating Officer of the $5 billion budget.
Prior to this post, Mr. Yoest managed entrepreneurial, start-up ventures, which included medical device companies, high technology, software manufacturers, and business consulting companies. His experience includes managing the transfer of patented biotechnology from the National Institutes of Health to his client, which enabled the company to raise $25 million in venture capital funding.
He served as Vice President of Certified Marketing Services International, an ISO 9000 business-consulting firm, where he assisted international companies in human resource certification.
And he also served as President of Computer Applications Development and Integration (CADI), the premier provider of software solutions for the criminal justice market. During his tenure, Mr. Yoest negotiated a strategic partnership with Behring Diagnostics, a $300 million division of Hoechst Celanese, the company’s largest contract.
Mr. Yoest served as a manager with Menlo Care, a medical device manufacturer. While at Menlo, Mr. Yoest was a part of the team that moved sales from zero to over $12 million that resulted in a buy-out by a medical division of Johnson & Johnson.
Mr. Yoest is a former Captain in the United States Army having served in Combat Arms. He earned an MBA from George Mason University and completed graduate work in the International Operations Management Program at Oxford University.
He has been active on a number of Boards and competes in 26.2-mile marathon runs.
Mr. Yoest and his wife, Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D., who is president and CEO of a public interest law firm, live in the Washington, DC area with their five children.
Be sure to grade Your Business Professor at www.RateMyProfessors.com Key word search ‘Yoest.’
Consider these other exciting Business Division courses:
ACC 211 Accounting
BUS 165 Small Business Management
AST 107 Editing and Proofreading
BUS 200 Principles of Management
AST 236 Software Applications or IST 117
BUS 241-1 Business Law I and II
BUS 280 International Business
BUS 100 Introduction to Business
FIN 215 Financial Management
BUS 125 Applied Business Math
ITE 115 Intro to Computer Applications and Concepts
Last day to drop with tuition refund or change to audit (Census Date): September 9, 2010.
Last day to withdraw without grade penalty: November 1, 2010.
Also linked on Management Training of DC, LLC.
See Real Management Training.
Be sure to follow Your Business Blogger(R) and Charmaine on Twitter: @JackYoest and @CharmaineYoest
Jack and Charmaine also blog at Reasoned Audacity and at Management Training of DC, LLC.
Thank you (foot)notes,
This introductory management course is offered through the Northern Virginia Community College

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