Harvard's Crimson vs Conservative Women

Question: Is there a liberal bias in Academia?
Answer: Is the Pope pro-life?
Protesting at Harvard Charmaine recently spoke to the Second Annual Conservative Women’s Conference at Harvard University. The topic was Balancing Family and a Career in Public Service.
The Alert Reader would wonder that a room of 100 conservative women on Harvard’s campus would be so strange, so counter-intuitive that the university’s newspaper of record would capture the kooks on copy.
The Alert Reader would be wrong.
Harvard’s Crimson newspaper can’t be bothered to send a reporter to listen to conservative credentialed experts speak.
This is not the weirdness that the Crimson craves.
Conservative: No Way
Transgender: OK
The Crimson will spill barrels of bytes on gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender genders issues. As if this were news or interesting outside the homosexual community.
As in,
For Transgender, a Day to Remember
The students seem to be in perpetual protest; the Crimson consumed with homosexuals.
Conservatives are left to do the learning.
But this is, of course, not newsworthy.
Thank you (foot)notes:
See Charmaine’s speech notes at the jump.
1. Intro: So glad to be here, love talking with college women.
• This year my 20th college reunion. (pic of chicas)
• Remember the fear. . . . (college grad pic)
2. A Higher Ambition: definitions of a woman’s role polarized
• Kramer v. Kramer
.2. Today, I want to explore the question of power and purpose and what “a higher ambition” might really be.
• I threw sex in the title – partly to get your interest. . . . but also because the twisted messages about sex in our porn-saturated culture are at the heart of why so many women today feel powerless and purposeless.
• What are those messages? Purpose is achieved through becoming powerful; Power is achieved through professional accomplishment; And Sex with no boundaries is the route to both power and pleasure.
• And how’s that working out?
…4. My Story: Living in a Transitional Generation
— What was the narrative script running in my head?
• Ended up Reagan White House (pic with Reagan)
• Met and married my guy. (wedding pic)
• Eventually became a political commentator.
• Then. My Hannah girl arrived.
• Well, actually, it wasn’t quite that simple. Let’s back up.
• First came the “morning sickness.” That lasted all day. (picture of me, green.)
• Then came the swollen ankles, the rising blood pressure, . . . the bed rest for three weeks. . .
• Then. My Hannah girl arrived.
• I asked for a part-time arrangement. A female manager wouldn’t give it to me. So I left and went back to grad school.
• I turned my back on Washington DC and the glamour of the media lights. I walked away from avenues to power and moved first to Richmond Virginia and then to Charlottesville to be a mom and a grad student.
• But I couldn’t turn my back on my purpose.
• The satellite truck. The book. Articles. Talks. I even got invited to attend the “Women and Power” group here at Harvard.
• And somehow, along the way, the Penta-posse put in an appearance.
• Sweet Baby James arrived just as I was starting my dissertation.
• Jack said finish.
• Came back to DC – and my old boss reruited me to come back to FRC
• On the Supreme Court steps, arguing parental notification in abortion – pushed Kim Gandy out of the way and ended up on Rush Limbaugh.
5. Lessons learned are
1. Purpose leads to Power
• Ask: What you supposed to DO.
• This is the higher ambition
2. Partnership leads to Sexual Power
• When your life is rooted in PURPOSE, you can look more effectively for a life partner.
• These are two false roads to defining ourselves: Power and Sex. And they are false roads that lead nowhere but emptiness.
• Within a permanent partnership, you can be secure in dependency.
6. Reasoned Audacity
The ranger unit strives to achieve maximum physical and psychological effect on the enemy by exhibiting aggressiveness and reasoned audacity.
(9) Audacity, achieved by a willingness to accept risk.
Detailed planning and coordination finds the enemy. Surprise, mobility and speed, variety, deception, and audacity combine to shock and disorient the enemy
Berthe Morisot – a painter who combined technical skill with breaking the rules.
Be who God created you to be. Be the best you.
Then pursue your purpose with unrelenting passion.
Use that passion to find a life partner, who will help make it all worthwhile.

Thank you for posting this! I am the Chair of the Harvard Conservative Women’s Caucus and I organized the conference. We sent emails to the Crimson every day during the week leading up to the conference, and they sent not one reporter! I’ve pasted the response from a Crimson person below. In response to his response: yes, there were a couple of cultural activities going on that day, but the “breaking crime story” happened on Friday, not on Saturday. Also, in Tuesday’s edition of the the Crimson, there is an article about an LGBT event that had SIX attendees. Why cover that event and not ours? I’ve got an idea . . .
“Thanks for getting in touch! I’m sorry to hear we missed your event, but I’m glad that we were able to send a photographer. I assure you
that the reason for not covering the conference was not rooted in bias; it was merely a matter of the resources we had at hand this
weekend. We do our very best to cover all perspectives at Harvard, but sometimes the constraints of being a volunteer organization prevent us from being everywhere we’d like to be. This particular weekend, we
could not find an available reporter for the event (though, thanks to
your press releases, we had been looking for a reporter since late Thursday via the dayslot). In addition, some of our more active reporters were already on assignments covering breaking crime stories and cultural events this weekend.”
Oh, and here is the link to the article about the Harvard BGLTSA event:
If you’re annoyed, please write to letters@thecrimson.com!
Considering the staggering number of corrections made to the article on the LBGT event the non-coverage might have been a good thing. I’m not of the opinion that any publicity is good publicity.