Athletes, Looking For A Job? Free Seminar

On Monday 7 February 2011, 7 to 8 pm at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, Your Business Professor will be leading a short seminar,
Please email me if you are interested in attending, to hold a spot and to get directions. Seating is limited.
Here are the talking points,
Who here tonight plays what sport?
My dad walked through the front door waving a newspaper.
we learn from our defeats
Transferable skills
Track record (sports metaphor)
Ed Rollins won 164 fights lost two.
We remember and learn from our pain
Spirit Duty Maturity
The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender, Vince Lombardi
Philosopher Michael Novak speaks of this experience and of the non-experience of the non-athlete, “[The anti-athletes] seem not to live gracefully with defeat, humiliation, or complicity in weakness…They pretend more. They have been defeated less.”
How does this sports pain bring us profit in business, indeed in life?
clock, stripped field, running lane, edge of the mat–finish line
never lost a game but ran out of time — Vince Lombardi
on time on budget
Clock on the score board on the field
clocked and compared
times and talent are measured
We are not equal to each other
Time ends
impending event NFL
x’s and o’s on a chalk talk easy translate to labels and boxes in an org chart
Bum Philips Oilers
There are two kinds of player that aren’t worth a [darn]
The ones who never do anything they are told, and
The ones who never do anything except what they are told
All managers do the same things
All manager work to make human strengths productive
All managers work to make human weakness irrelevant
sub coach for manager
Maximize strengths and minimize weakness
Army discipline
prompt obedience
boss has two fears
you won’t do exactly what I tell you to do
you will do exactly what I tell you to do
What is the number one reason people get fired?
job competence or people skills
Pull in same direction
tradition rowing 8
unit cohesion
size and time
ergnometer times
simple to complicated.
Hannah, let us call her
not six foot 5’7″ one of the best erg times in the world but she’s short.
Coach assembles team
seat race — Hannah always wins
Thank you (foot)notes,
Hannah Ruth Yoest, Student Athlete Curriculum Vita
Be sure to follow Your Business Blogger(R) and Charmaine on Twitter: @JackYoest and @CharmaineYoest
Jack and Charmaine also blog at Reasoned Audacity and at Management Training of DC, LLC.

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