Catholic University of America, Management: Theory and Practice, MGT 323, Exam Review, Chapters 1-7

The Alert Student will understand the vocabulary of management using the text book and the in-class materials.
The exam might include, but will not be limited to, these topics.
The exam will be timed at 35 minutes.
Knowledge Management
Four components-functions of management
Managers need three broad skills
Of those three skills, what does s/he need most; and need least?
Social Capital
List inputs into an organization and outputs
Management in a sentence
Management in a word
Who determines company success?
The purpose of business is to create a _____________ and make a ______________.
Critical vs Core
What is Nordstrom’s one rule for employees?
What is the difference between a “life lie” and a “business lie”?
vertical integration
There are two major business strategies to compete in a particular industry
What is a monkey and why is this important?
one rule for brainstorming
Entrepreneurs are motivated solely by money, discuss
What is the most important part of a business plan?
Where does the entrepreneur usually get start-up capital?
What is a business incubator?
Advisory Board
Organization Chart
Span of Control
Line vs Staff departments and where should you work.
Matrix vs Unity of command
ISO 9000
What is the number one reason employees get fired?
360-degree appraisal
women earn 76% of men. Is this fair?

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