Marketing MKT 221 – PUBLIC RELATIONS, Northern Virginia Community College

Course Description
Introduces public relations as a marketing activity and focuses on media relations, publicity, strategic planning, public relations research, communication with multiple audiences, and the elements of an effective public relations campaign to influence public opinion. Equips students with the basic skills for writing publicity materials and coordinating media kits. Lecture 3 hours per week.
General Course Purpose
MKT 221 is a one-semester course designed to provide students with a broad overview of the principles of public relations and an understanding of the role of public relations within an organization. Public relations are presented as a component of corporate marketing. Students will learn the public relations skills necessary to enhance the reputation of an organization, strengthen its relationships with key audiences, and enable it to deal with crises from a position of strength. Critical thinking, writing, presenting and the use of the Internet will be covered as students focus on creating and maintaining favorable relationships with their publics in an ethical manner.
Course Prerequisites/Co-requisites
Knowledge of basic computer skills and MKT 201: Introduction to Marketing which will provide an understanding of basic marketing activities.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Explain the purpose and functions of public relations.
• Distinguish between the activities of public relations, advertising, and marketing.
• Describe how public relations builds and maintains relationships and persuades public opinion.
• Give examples to illustrate how public relations has been used to mobilize public opinion and to promote change.
• Explain the importance of ethical behavior and how it relates to public relations.
• Give examples of various types of public relations a company may use.
• Successfully write a press release and develop a basic media kit.
Major Topics to be Included
• Define and describe public relations.
• Explain how organizations can effectively use public relations.
• Building relationships with the media and using the Internet.
• Building relationships with the publics served.
• Examine types and methods of creating effective public relations.
• Define publicity and examine its role within public relations.
• Review examples of ethical and unethical behavior.
• Examine research as it applies to public relations.
• Understand the role of public relations in the marketing mix.
• Produce a successful press kit including a press release.
16-Week Session
Classes begin August 22
Schedule adjustments (add/drop/swap) on NOVAConnect (open to all) August 22-28
Late Schedule Additions–in-person, permission required August 29 – September 2
Drops on NOVAConnect with tuition refund August 29-September 8
Labor Day Holiday for faculty, students and staff, Offices closed September 5
Last day to drop with tuition refund or change to audit (Census Date)** September 8
Last day to apply for Fall graduation * October 1
Non-instructional days/no classes; College offices open October 10-11
Last day to withdraw without grade penalty October 31
Non-instructional day/no classes; College closes at Noon November 23
Thanksgiving Holiday for faculty, students and staff, College offices closed November 24-25
Non-instructional days/no classes November 26-27
Last week of classes December 5-11
Final exam week December 12-19
Examinations end December 19

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