Pastoral Management and Administration Seminar Outline and Answer Key

Management as Ministry is a three-day workshop to train Church leaders in non-profit leadership in Washington, DC. Register here.
Pastoral Management and Administration
Fidelis sermo si quis episcopatum desiderat bonum opus desiderat
1 Timotheum 3:1
Session 3: Pastoral Management and Administration
Session Description
This segment will review the practice of non-profit management in The Church.
The session will cover the basics of the art and science of management in The Church providing a simple introduction to the topic. This session will introduce the workshop participants to the management functions: to plan, organize, lead and control.
Course Goals
Things you will know
• Basics of managerial functions.
• Basics of accomplishing organizational goals through others.
• Subsidiarity and delegation.
Things you will know how to do
• Communicate with all stakeholders in securing active support.
• Securing recommendations from staff.
• The practice of servant leadership.
Beliefs you will understand
• Management is not perfection – it is an imperfect practice.
• The importance of persuasion and relationships in management.
Course Outline
I. Shepard of the Flock: How do we control events?
A. The Pastor as the center of a cross
B. Outside external peers
1. Legislators
2. UnChurched
3. Journalists
4. Suppliers
5. Other faith traditions
C. The Boss
1. Set Priorities
2. Ignoring him is insubordination
3. Must be happy.
D. Inside internal peers
1. Congregants
2. Finance
3. Maintenance
4. Purchasing
5. Committee Chairs
E. Staff/Volunteers
1. Compliant
2. Initiative
3. Ignoring them is procrastination
4. Generate options
5. Make recommendations
II. The Sheep: Who is the customer?
A. The donor provides the resources
B. The Pastor adds value
C. The congregant receives the value
III. The Sheep Dog: What is Subsidiarity in Management?
A. Encourage decision making at the lowest level
B. Encourage decision making at the level of competence
1. Child-like staffer
a. Silent
b. Questions
2. Teenage-like staffer
a. Researches options
b. Makes recommendations
c. Waits for approval
3. Adult
a. Acts as the manager’s deputy
b. Acts on own initiative
This is a true saying, A man desiring the position of a Bishop has a desire for a good work.
1 Timothy 3:1
Printable copy: Management as Ministry out line Yoest
Jack Yoest
Clinical Assistant Professor of Management
Course Work Book
I. Shepard of the Flock: How do we control events?
Outside Peers/UnChurched You Inside Peers/Congregants
II. The Sheep: Who is the customer?
__________ => __________ => __________
__________ <= __________ <= __________ The Church Not-for-profit __________ => ________ => ___________________=> _____________ => _________
III. The Sheep Dog: What is Subsidiarity in Management?
Answer Key
I. Shepard of the Flock: How do we control events?
Outside Peers/UnChurched You Inside Peers/Congregants
II. The Sheep: Who is the customer?
The For-profit
Buyer => Money => Seller
Buyer <= Goods <= Seller The Church The Not-for-profit Donors => Money => Value-Adding Non-Profit => Goods-Services => Consumer
III. The Sheep Dog: What is Subsidiarity in Management?

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