Chrismahanukwanzakah: The Ultimate Post-Modern Anti-Holiday

Paula Abdul and Richard Branson
Celebrating Chrismahanukwanzakah
. . . and Cheap Cell Phones
Before we say a final goodbye to the Holiday-Formerly-Known-as-“Christmas”– as it is known in some quarters — let’s just revisit for a moment how we arrived in this more Enlightened Age of Tolerance and Harmony.
How we arrived, as it were, in the Age of Chrismahanukwanzakah.
I have argued elsewhere that humor is a weapon. And in the culture wars it may be one of the most effective. This broadside on Christmas is one of the most jaw-dropping I’ve seen:
In some ways we’re all monkeys;
well maybe just a smidgeon.
I’m a scientologist;
that’s kind of a religion.
Whose faith is the right one?
It’s anybody’s guess.
What matters most is camera phones for $20 less.
It’s Richard Branson’s brilliant holiday sales campaign. Funny. Funny. Funny.
And completely subversive.
C’mon, get a grip! It’s just a joke! We’re only trying to sell cell phones here!
My kids wanted to see the video clip several times. Laughing uproariously.
None of the super-serious lawsuits waged by the ACLU to ban nativity scenes have the potency of this kind of subtle campaign.
* * *
The link above, and the text, comes from last year’s campaign. This year’s is here.
Thanks to Lanier Swann for this story!

Absolutely outrageous. I guess anything is fair game in the advertising world….or at least that is what they think.
I’m sorry this ad offended you. Perhaps you will feel better if you bear in mind the Abdul is ethnically Jewish. I don’t know her religious views, but perhaps she doesn’t believe Jesus is the son of God, and therefore doesn’t feel comfortable wishing people Merry Christmas.
For my part, I say Happy Holidays because I often don’t know people’s religious views and I do wish non-Christians well during the holidays. Probably a lot of people feel like me. I know people that look down at faith, but I don’t know a single person who plots to undermine Christians and Christmas. In fact I find it odd when Christians talk of being persecuted, as they are a majority in this country. Perhaps they should try not being Christians for a time!