MEDIA ALERT: Charmaine on CNN Headline News Debating Marriage Trends



Charmaine on an earlier

marriage debate on CBS Charmaine will appear on CNN’s Headline News this afternoon to discuss the latest trends on marriage and co-habitation.

Are shack-ups good for women? Good for children?

Tune in at 5pm and let us know what you think. Hit time is 5:30 live.

She will be on the other side of a married couple. Who are swingers.

Not to be confused with swinging both ways.

But that the swinging married couple have jimmied the (wed) lock, and are not monogamous.

So they have an ‘open marriage’ and a number of sexual partners.

At least the ‘marriage’ has a man and a woman…

It is not known if Charmaine’s next segment will be with a monogamous homosexual couple.

So Your Business Blogger — ever alert to the immediacy of news hooks — asks Charmaine, What happened today? Jenna moved in with a boyfriend? Chelsea moved out from her live-in…?

Nope, she says. It’s August.

Wtih congress in recess, there is very, very little a-going on.

It’s August in Your Nation’s Capitol.


Thank you (foot)notes:

Note that CNN HeadLine News and CNN are on different cable channels.


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1 Response

  1. Christie Cook says:

    I just watched the segment and was SO very glad to hear a voice of reason! We have basic Dish Network. CNN (and HLN) is our only cable news source. I am always so interested and relieved when Charmaine is in these segments. She is very calm, poised and packs a lot of strength in her words. I think people on all sides of the debate have to be listening when she speaks. She does a great job attempting to reason with arguments that are so completely ludicrous! Charmaine’s comments this evening reminded me of some things I’ve read in a book by Dr. Julianna Slattery. It is sad that many people in our society do not seem to have any hope that loving, fulfilling, monogamous relationships exist or are possible. I think people miss the point in their search for freedom. True freedom comes when there is REAL intimacy in marriage and that intimacy is lost when sex goes outside the boundary of one man and one woman. Yes, marriage takes work…just as any valuable thing does. Also, the argument surfaced again this evening about why married people not involved in these things that undermine marriage even care about what’s going on in someone else’s relationships. I could give a list of the reasons I am concerned about the definition of marriage in our society and the way it is being undermined. I saw the woman in the news this evening that basically strangled a rabid animal because she wanted to protect her children. I feel that kind of protective love for my three young boys when I hear a segment like the one on “swingers” tonight. Our society is filled with people who don’t seem to be able to understand the fact that humans are capable of more than animals. If I understood one of the arguments correctly this evening, one of the guests on the segment was suggesting that an affair is inevitable…just part of the “seven year itch.” With that kind of worldview out there, I’m not sure which is more dangerous to my children…the rabid animal or our society! Thanks for what you do for families! From: a mom of three who has been happily married for more than seven years (no itching yet!) 🙂