If You Have Your Health, Do You Have Everything?


Short Answer: No.china_chair_lift_great_wall.png

“…for better or worse,

richer or poorer,

in sickness and in health…”

Excerpt from traditional marriage vows.


David Wayne at The Great Wall of China

“As long as you have your health, you have everything.”

HJ Cohen, Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.


Health should not be a variable in a person or a couple’s happiness. Marriage vows remove health as an excuse.

But our base pop-culture holds that health is man’s noblest possession. And Dr. Cohen’s conclusion, like most ‘research’ coming from the academy, is wrong.

Without an eternal perspective, modern man worships the body, and its health. If one’s health goes then all is lost: there is nothing worthy to worship.

Life is Good(R) only if your health is good.

If your health is not good then all promises are off and you have nothing.

No health = Nothing.

So where does that leave us when the doctor tells us our health is gone?


The best sermon Your Business Blogger(R) ever heard on health was given by David Wayne. As only an insightful Five-Point Calvinist could reason and deliver.

Charmaine and I found Pastor Wayne on the internets. Alert Readers know Wayne’s writing through his work at The Jolly Blogger. We first bookmarked Jolly Blogger almost four years ago and then booked over to his church, which happened to be within Sunday commuting distance when we lived in Maryland.

His theme was that happiness is not conditional on health and indeed we do not have a ‘right to happiness’ or a ‘right to health.’

Our duty is not that our life should be of pleasure,. . .but does our life please our Creator.

Not are we happy with life.

But is our God happy with us.

(With no God, modern men have only themselves to please.)

The Follower of Jesus has an eternal perspective beyond this celestial orb.

And one can still have all that is worth having.

If we have health. Or not.


Thank you (foot)notes:

David Wayne has cancer. Stage four. Liver.

Please pray for The Jolly Blogger.

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