Pro-Life; Preparing for an Obama Abortion Administration

Charmaine sends this along,
As we prepare for an Obama Administration…
As we look toward celebrating the New Year on Wednesday night, my email box is filling up with end-of-year appeals, and I know yours is too.
Let me then be plain in telling you how much we appreciate your partnership with AUL this past year and as we head into the new one.
Many people have been asking me how things stand, and what our strategy will be, with an incoming presidential administration that has taken such a radical stance supporting abortion. The short answer: I am, frankly, heartened by the tremendous response of our AUL supporters each time we’ve asked you to stand for life.
First, we saw the remarkable response to AUL Action’s FightFOCA petition. Pro-lifers are not giving in!
The signatures have continued rising, even over the Christmas
holiday, and now stand at over 350,000!
If you haven’t signed yet, take a minute and add your voice at:
I am also heartened by the response of AUL supporters to the 55-page Wish List pro-abortion forces sent to President-elect Obama. We asked you to enter comments on the document and now there are nearly 3,000 comments, mostly pro-life, on the site.
You can read them here:
US News and World Report noted the surge in comments and observed that:
very much engaged right now and can be quickly activated.”
That’s encouraging!
Of course, a realist must acknowledge that no one really knows what the ground game will look like once we begin confronting an administration so radical that its leader, President-elect Obama, could not bring himself to vote in favor of protecting babies born alive after an abortion. And he is unwaveringly supported by the current leader of the world’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood and its President Cecile Richards, who was the deputy chief of staff to the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi only three years ago.
Even so — even so! — I remain hopeful. I have on my fireplace mantle a copy of the classic work, Streams in the Desert, which belonged to my grandparents. The entry to be read each January 6th, addresses the perennial question of uncertainty and recounts the example of the self-opening gate:
There is a self-opening gate which is sometimes used in country roads. It stands fast and firm across the road as a traveler approaches it. If he stops before he gets to it, it will not open. But if he will drive right at it, his wagon wheels press the springs below the roadway, and the gate swings back to let him through. He must push right on at the closed gate, or it will continue to be closed.
Then the author, Lettie Cowman, sums up by saying, “This illustrates the way to pass every barrier on the road of duty.”
Duty is an old-fashioned word, rarely heard today. But the AUL team believes that it is indeed our duty, and a high calling, to stand against those who would promote the Culture of Death with every last resource that God grants us, regardless of the barriers that block the road ahead.
We will pray for wisdom, direction, and discernment. And then, we intend to run straight at the gate.
These are difficult times. I’ve talked with so many of you recently who have told me that you are standing with us, despite financial challenges. We are humbled — and emboldened — by your commitment.
Thank you for your faithful support which enables us to “press on and step out boldly.”
Yours for life,
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
PS: If you haven’t yet made an end-of-year contribution, please do so today!
“As thou goest, step by step, I will open up the way. . .”
Proverbs 4:12 (Hebrew translation)
Join Fight FOCA
Thank you (foot)notes:
Don’t Drink the King’s Wine, has AUL President’s Encouragement Heading Into The New Year
Visit The Reagan Conservatives Blog.
See Beltway Blips.
Prayer Request for Our Nation!!! FOCA Act to be signed by President Obama 🙁
Why not Serve the Lord
Make a comment on Obama’s web-site concerning FOCA and the 55 page pro-abortion mandate posted there….
See TruthSeekers
Thank you to Pro-Life Blogs, AUL President’s Encouraging Anecdote Heading Into The New Year

“…President-elect Obama, could not bring himself to vote in favor of protecting babies born alive after an abortion. And he is unwaveringly supported by the current leader of the world’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood and its President Cecile Richards, who was the deputy chief of staff to the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi only three years ago. …”
It helps to repeat that liberal Speaker Pelosi’s former deputy chief of staff
is now president of Planned Parenthood and that President-elect Obama is afraid to stand against infanticide.
Not all of the voting public understands these connections.
More interesting is US Senator Jim Webb (D-VA).
Webb certainly has a history that can be called moderate and even conservative. But when the liberals needed someone to keep the senate open so that President Bush could not make interim judicial appointments of moderate or conservative judges, Sen. Webb was there to stop these appointments so that liberal judges could be appointed by a Dem. president.
Now Jim Webb can vote against these liberal appointments later on but will still be a major contributor to liberal judicial activism.
Sadly it is reported that about 26% of white evangelicals voted for Sen. Obama up from 21% for Sen. Kerry. Another example of how inreach is still needed while we outreach.
Happy New Year and keep up the good work!