Author: Charmaine Yoest
Katrina and Kyoto: Robert Kennedy Using Tragedy for Political Posturing
Robert Kennedy Jr. Breathtaking. Robert Kennedy, Jr. writes a post in today’s HuffPo entitled “For They That Sow the Wind, Shall Reap the Whirlwind.” Incredible. There are bodies floating in the water in New...
Schizophrenic Sex: Power and Promise
Sex is everywhere we turn — openly, brazenly commodified: magazines, television, billboards . . . Self-consciously attempting to craft New Rules, and proudly post-modern, our public efforts at creating a 21st century, non-judgmental morality...
Neither Rain, Nor Hurricane . . .
. . . can stop the Cotillion Ball! Our fearless leader, Beth, had to get in a car and head north to stay a few steps ahead of the Evil Katrina, and found herself...
Saturday Night at the Movies. . .
One Hit Wonder? Last Saturday night I reviewed the movie Alexander, declaring it: “Worst. Movie. Ever.” These three words convicted me, in the estimation of Downtown Lad, of clearly evident homophobia. Others, however, agreed...
The Sullivan Boys: A Reflection on War and Communication
It’s worth taking a moment to reflect on how profoundly technology has changed our world. Amidst the frequent criticism of cell-phone technology — detractors argue that it has grossly impinged on our public spaces...
War Supporters are. . . Morons??!!: Fisking Robert Crook
His name is Robert Crook. And, if you support the President, and the war in Iraq, he says you are a “moron.” Yeah, well, c’mon Charmaine, that’s what happens when you get your political...
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