Author: Charmaine Yoest

Cheri Yecke for Congress

Cheri Yecke is running on a conservative platform . . . and getting insulted. But I repeat myself. Minnesota Public Radio says, While education issues would be her focus in Congress, Yecke said she’s...

Frist Folly

Senator Bill Frist What’s the difference between an organ donor and a human embryo? The answer is life and death. In fact, the difference between an organ donor and an embryo is radically significant,...

Parent A and Parent B

Mitt Romney Kathleen Parker writes today in her columnn,”Parent A and Parent B – and baby makes C” that Mitt Romney, Governor of Massachusetts, is coming under attack from gay groups because he refuses...

Cotillion Cuts Loose

The femme fatales of the Cotillion have cut loose again. Check out this week’s ball, hostesses are: Sadie, Fistful of Fortnights; Denita, Who Tends the Fires; Claire, at e-Claire; and Beth, My Vast Right...

Ann isn't Backing Down . . .

Ann Coulter . . .but, then again, we didn’t expect anything different from her did we? Some people are rolling their eyes and saying that Ann’s opposition to Roberts (or, more precisely, her skepticism)...