Media Alert: The Dude on WRKO Boston's Talk Station
The Dude will be on Gregg Jackson’s show Sunday night, March 18th. Gregg and The Dude met while The Dude was blogging the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). R to L: The Dude from...
The Dude will be on Gregg Jackson’s show Sunday night, March 18th. Gregg and The Dude met while The Dude was blogging the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). R to L: The Dude from...
Roxane and Jim Gilmore; Charmaine and Jack Yoest April 2005 Governor Jim Gilmore promised to be the First Blogger-in-Chief, if sworn in as president. Gilmore addressed the weekly conservative blogger lunch today at the...
Thank you so much for reading Reasoned Audacity! If you think you were our 300,000th visitor — see below, please comment. The first commenter will receive a copy of Charmaine’s book Mother in the...
“This just in…oops, too late, the bloggers got there before us. from The Wall Street Journal Bloggers are first and best with the best rumors. But are bloogers always first with the best story?...
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D. (?) What is a good way to learn if your accountant is getting all those numbers to add up right? He spells your name right. When Your Business Blogger was in...
I’m headed to the Left Coast to talk about blogging with some of my favorite people, the godbloggers. The Diva and the Dude are coming along because they have both become bloggers and I...
GodBlogCon Charmaine, wife of Your Business Blogger will be speaking at the Political Plenary Panel, A bi-partisan discussion on political conversation across the blogosphere, featuring answers to questions such as: What makes a political...
Friends, thanks for stopping by Reasoned Audacity — as you can tell, we’ve been changing some things on the site. Mostly fixing some bugs on the back-end that will, hopefully, in the long run...
Cross Post from Jack Yoest with The Carnival of the Capitalists. Years ago, Your Business Blogger held a (most minor) position in the local Republican party. It was an election; votes were taken. I...
Google has a feature called “Google Current” which is a short 2 minute video round-up of the news. In this clip, the host slams Michelle Malkin . . . and praises Andrew Sullivan. (HT:...
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