Category: Culture

Is Jennifer Anniston Over the Hill?

Over the Hill? John Derbyshire thinks Jennifer Anniston is just so over: Did I buy, or browse, a copy of the November 17 GQ, in order to get a look at Jennifer Aniston’s bristols?...

Thanatos: A Book (Suggestion) To Die For.

Winston Churchill said that if a book is not worth reading twice, it’s not worth reading once. Charmaine has a book suggestion that deserves double coverage. Cross Posted at Reasoned Audacity by Charmaine: I...

Jesse's Girl

Mrs. Jesse Malkin Michelle Malkin hits back at left-wing bloggers who claim she is just a tool of her husband, Jesse Malkin, and that he is her ghost-blogger. After a long paragraph where she...

Mapping Sex Offenders

Do you live near a sex offender? This database is amazing: just type in your zip code and you get a MAP of where the registered sex offenders live near you. Plus their names...