Category: Personal

In Memoriam: Joseph Carr

We heard yesterday that my husband’s uncle, Joe Carr, had died. He was 88 and had recently been hospitalized for heart problems, so it was not unexpected. And he died in his sleep at...


We crossed 100,000 at 8:11:29 tonight with a reader in Fairfax, Virginia. If that’s you, shoot me an email at charmaine-at-yoest-dot-org and I’ll send you your “I Think, Therefore I Blog” t-shirt! Hey, thanks...

Closing in on Visitor 100,000!

We’re at 99,973 — we’ll hit 100,000 some time this evening. Come on back and see if it’s you! Remember: the 100,000th visitor gets an “I Think, Therefore I Blog” t-shirt. Thanks for reading...

Cyber-Celebration Coming Later this Week!

Reasoned Audacity is quickly approaching a major milestone: the 100,000th visitor! Right now the sitemeter is reading 99,555. Less than 500 visitors more . . . we need a cyber-celebration! I really want to...

New Blog on the Block

My husband got tired of bugging me to write “the WalMart post.” Finally, when I said: “you know, you really ought to start a business blog and write it yourself. . .” He did....

Love Dressed Up as Life

Woke up yesterday facing a drive to Philadelphia to check on Jack’s uncle who is in the hospital . . . Checking email before leaving — (punctuated by: “Your shoes are in the closet....